The G Word

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Avery's POV
It happened when I wasn't expecting it. We were out for drinks with some of my friends and some of his friends. I was talking to my bestfriend when I heard Jalen say "yeah that's my girlfriend Avery." I turned to look at him and I said "oh am I?" He said "yeah. I mean only if you want to be." I smiled and went over and gave him a kiss and said "of course I do." He said "ok good." The rest of the night I was smiling from ear to ear. I kept looking at him thinking how this is crazy that he's my boyfriend. On the drive home Jalen looked at me and said "what's going on in that head of yours." I said "I just feel super lucky but it also scares me falling for you like I am." He said "trust me I'm scared too but I've never met anyone like you." I said "I'm not just worried about my heart being broke. I have Luca to worry about." He said "I get that. But trust me I'm not going anywhere. I swear." I said "ok." He said "ok so I have an event tomorrow with the team. Would you like to be my date?" I said "I mean yeah but what's the dress code?" He said "black tie." I said "babe! That means I have to go to a dress shop in the morning and hopefully find one." He said "I know it's super last minute. But I don't have a tux either so we can go now." I said "it's midnight no shops are open." He said "I pulled some strings and we're going now." I laughed and said "what if I would have said no?" He said "then I would have looked like a fool but I'm glad you agreed."

Jalen's POV
When we got to the store and walked in I said "ok I know you're gonna try and fight me on it but I'm paying for your dress." She tried to fight but I wouldn't let her. I said "what color are you thinking?" She said "I have no clue." I said "well I'm sure whatever you pick out will be beautiful." She picked out a few dresses. There was a blue one she tried that one on her first but she didn't like the way it felt on her. There was a purple one she tried on and she liked it but she didn't love it. Then the final one she tried on was a dark green one. She didn't show it to me when she had it on but when she walked out she said "that's the one." I said "ok. Then I need to get a suit." I went with an all black suit, black dress shoes and a green tie. On the drive back to her place I said "I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

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