The Proposal

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Avery's POV
We're going on vacation this week to celebrate the season and to celebrate me being cancer free. We're going to Hawaii and we leave tomorrow. It's just gonna be Jalen, Luca and I. I was packing when Jalen walked in. He just put Luca to bed. He said "it's getting harder to get him to bed." I said "oh I know. I'm really hoping the time change doesn't make him to miserable." Jalen said "listen we'll just take the two weeks in Hawaii day by day right?" I smiled and said "yep. I can't wait for this trip." He kissed my head and said "either can I." Around 9:00 we headed to bed. The next morning we were at the airport by 5 A.M. so we could get through security. At 7:00 we were in the air. Luca slept on Jalen most of the time for our first flight. We had a 3 hour layover in LA and we spent that layover taking turns walking up and down the gate with Luca getting some of his energy out. Our flight to Hawaii Luca sat on my lap and played with some of his toys. He fell asleep about halfway through and slept until we landed. When we landed in Hawaii Jalen went to baggage claim and I waited with Luca. When we finally got to the hotel and got checked in it was about 10:00 at night. I gave Luca a bath and gave him a bottle and put him to bed. We got a portable crib in our room so that was nice. We got room service. Jalen said "ok I have a little photo shoot set up for tomorrow." I said "wait seriously?" He said "yeah. I knew you've been wanting some so I set it up." I smiled and said "ok."

The next morning we were up at 9:00. I got dressed in a green dress and sandals. Jalen got dressed in green shorts and a white shirt. I got Luca dressed in coordinating colors. When we were ready Jalen said "ok. We're meeting the photographer in the lobby." When we got downstairs Jalen pointed out the photographer. Her name is Jayleigh. She took us to a mountain side. We did a bunch of family pictures. Then Jayleigh kept Luca with her in his stroller and Jalen and I did some of just the two of us. Jayleigh had me turn around and Jalen was facing me. She said "ok you can turn around. When I turned around Jalen was on one knee. He said "Avery I love you. I knew I loved you the first night I met you. The past 6 months have been some of the hardest times with your journey but it's only made us stronger. There's no one I can imagine spending the rest of my life with more than you. So will you marry me?" I gave him a kiss and said "absolutely." And with that we're engaged.

@averyryan: the easiest yes of my entire life❤️❤️❤️

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@averyryan: the easiest yes of my entire life❤️❤️❤️

@averyryan: the easiest yes of my entire life❤️❤️❤️

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@jalenhurts: she said yes❤️❤️❤️

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