The Incident

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Avery's POV
I still can't believe I'm marrying Jalen. We've been back from Hawaii for a while now. Right now Jalen is away for a meeting with his manager. I was out at the store when I got a text from my sister. It was a text that said "what the hell?" With a link. When I opened the link it was an article that said "young women claims she and Jalen Hurts have been seeing each other for a few months. Jalen is also engaged to Avery Ryan. How is he going to fix this." I texted her back and said "I don't want to see him."

Jalens POV
I just landed in Philly and my phone is blowing up with messages from everyone you can think of. My mom texted me "Jalen what are you thinking?? Cheating on Avery?!" That caught me off guard because I had no clue what she was talking about. I called my mom and said "mom what are you talking about cheating on Avery?" She said "some girl told a news outlet that you guys have been dating." I said "what the hell i don't know what girl would even say that." She said "you need to straighten this out with Avery." I said "I'm planing on it." I called my manager and he said he was already trying to figure out who this "girl" was. When I got to the house I noticed Avery's car was gone. I felt a pit in my stomach. When I walked in the house was quiet and empty. I walked into the bedroom and saw some of her drawers emptied out. I called her so many times and she didn't answer. I called her mom and she answered and said "Is Avery with you?" She said "you have a lot of nerve calling here." I said "look I have no clue who that girl is or why she would say anything like that. Avery is the only girl I ever want to spend my life with. I want to wake up everyday next to her. I want to grow our family together. I need her to understand that." Her mom said "come to the house." I got in my car and drove to Avery's moms house. When I got there Avery was standing outside on the porch. I got out and went on and sat on the step and she sat next to me. She said "so you really didn't cheat?" I said "baby you know there's no one in this entire world that I want to spend the rest of my life with then you. I don't have a clue who this girl is but she's trying to ruin us." Avery said "ok. I believe you." I said "can you come home?" She said "yeah." We walked in the house and hung out with her mom and sister for a while and then headed home.

Avery's POV
We were laying in bed when Jalen said "they found the girl who made it up." I said "who is she?" He said "Callie Rivers. I went to college with her." I said "did you ever go out with her?" Jalen said "we went to a party one time." I said "and that's all?" He said "yeah. I didn't feel anything for her. I haven't seen her since that night actually." I said "why is she doing this?" He said "I have no clue. But tomorrow we're gonna video chat her as a couple and get to the bottom of it."

The next morning we headed to his managers office and were in a conference room waiting for Callie to answer. When she finally did she said "there's my hot boyfriend." Jalen said "I have absolutely no clue what you want or why your doing this but whatever the reason you need to stop." Callie said "I want you to come home to me. I want my future with you back." He scoffed and said "the only future I have is the one with Avery my soon to be wife." Callie said "why would you want to be with a whore like her. Raising a baby that isn't yours." At this point I was furious. I said "my son might not be Jalen's biologically but he's been there more for him then his actual dad. Every doctors appointment that he's had since he turned 18 months and his milestones stopped he's been there. He was there we got his autism diagnosis. He hasn't stopped fighting for us. He's the best human I've ever met. I am so excited to get to call him my husband and for our family to grow even more one day." Callie had no response. She just hung up. Jalen looked at me and said "I love you. Now let's plan the wedding and get married."

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