The Game

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Avery's POV
Today is Jalen's first game of the season. We didn't get to any of the pre season games because I was on my family's annual beach trip. Jalen was also worried about the media. We met his family last week and they are absolutely amazing. His parents are coming to the game and his dad promised to take care of Luca and I if the media tries to get to us. I woke up and Jalen was already out of bed. When I walked into the kitchen he was making breakfast. I said "baby you shouldn't be making breakfast in game day." He laughed and said "I love you but you can't make breakfast to save your life." I threw a towel at him and said "that is not true." He finished making breakfast while I got Luca up and changed. We ate breakfast as a family and then around 10:00 he headed to the stadium. I put Luca down for his morning nap and then I showered. I started getting ready and curled my hair and did natural makeup. I got dressed in a pair of jeans, a Hurts jersey and a pair of sandals. When Luca woke up I gave him a bath and then got him dressed in a pair of jeans and a Hurts onesie with sneakers. I took a picture and sent it to Jalen and said "we're ready to support our favorite guy❤️." Around 12:00 Jalen's parents got to the house and we headed to the stadium. We parked in the family parking lot and his dad carried Luca in and we went to our suite. Thankfully we made it in without any problems from the media. Luca fell asleep in Jalen's moms arms. I said "oh here I'll take him." Pam said "oh no he's fine. You deserve a break." I smiled and said "thank you." Averion said "how have things been going with you two?" I said "really good. We've gotten into a good routine with him living at the house." Pam said "how are things with Luca's dad?" I said "he's basically out of his life. He says he doesn't want to be brought down by a baby." Averion said "that's so crappy. It takes two to have a kid." I said "yeah. But honestly Jalen has taken so much responsibility on for him. In the mornings before he goes to practice he will get Luca up and make him breakfast and get him dressed. Then when he gets home he'll play with him while I get some work done and he does his whole night time routine with me. Luca loves him more than anything." Pam said "J tells us all the time that Luca and you are the best things to happen to him." I smiled and said "he's the best thing to happen to both of us."

After the game which the Eagles won Jalen had interviews but he wanted me and Luca to drive home with him. So we walked down to the family room and before I knew it we were bombarded with media. I tried to shield Luca as much as I could but he started crying. Before I could say anything Jalen came out of the locker room and said "yo back off my family. My girl and my son didn't ask for this." He took us to a room and said "I'm sorry about that." His dad said "media are just jerks." I said "I just don't want Luca in the public eye right now." Jalen said "I'm gonna take care of that." He had to go do a press conference. I went and watched him and he said "before we take any questions I would like to ask please for the media to give my girlfriend and son privacy when we're out at games or at events. At this point in our relationship and in my sons life I don't want them in it. They didn't ask for this. So please just let them be." I smiled not because of him standing up for us but how he called Luca his son.

When we were driving home after dinner with his parents I said "thank you." He said "what for?" I said

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