The Kiss

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Jalen's POV
Since our date Avery and I have been texting and FaceTiming every single day. We were gonna go out tonight but Luca's dad ended up cancelling there weekend together. So instead of going on a date I'm going over to her house and we're gonna hangout. I got ready in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt and on the drive to her house I called Avery and said "what are you hungry for?" She said "hmmm how about chick Fil a?" I said "ok what's your orders?" She told me her orders and I went through the drive thru and got the food and then went to her house. When I got there Avery opened the door and said "sorry about not being able to go out." I said "no worries. This is way better." She had Luca on her hip and I said "hey little man. You ready to hangout?" He just smirked and Avery said "let's go eat." We walked into her kitchen and she put him in his high chair and I got our food out. I gave his stuff to her because I didn't know how she fed him. She cut all his chicken nuggets up and put some on his tray. She said "do you want anything to drink?" I said "water's fine." She grabbed a water and a can of soda. She sat at the table next to Luca and I sat across from her. She said "do you mind if we pray before we eat?" I smiled and said "of course not." We grabbed hands and she prayed and then we started eating. We made small talk while we ate and after dinner Avery said "ok I'm gonna go give him a bath quick. Can you do me a favor. I have a bottle on the counter and his formula is in the top cabinet. Can you fill the bottle to the 10 oz line and give him five and a half scoops of formula and then heat it up in the microwave for like 15 seconds when I tell you he's almost ready." I said "yeah of course." About 10 minutes later she yelled out he was almost ready so I made the bottle and heated it up and when she walked into the kitchen she said "ok you wanna watch a movie?" I said "yeah that's fine." We walked into the living room and we decided on Grown Ups. She sat with Luca on the couch and I sat next to her and put my arm around her. Halfway through the movie she said "ok he's asleep. I'm gonna put him in his crib." A few minutes later she came back out. She said "I'm gonna have a glass of wine. Would you like one?" I said "sure." She brought back two glasses of wine and we finished the movie. When the movie was over I said "I really gotta get going. I have a meeting tomorrow morning." She said "ok I'll walk you out." We got out to my car and I leaned on the front of it and she just looked at me and I said "I wanna kiss you so bad." She said "what's stopping you." With that I grabbed her hips and pulled her close to me. When we kissed I felt like the world stopped. When we pulled away she said "wow." I said "I don't even have the words." She gave me another kiss and said "ok. You should get going. Text me when you get home."

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