The Gala

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Avery's POV
The next morning I woke up at 7:00 and I started getting ready for the day. My mom was coming over with Luca and was gonna do my hair for me and my sister was gonna do my makeup. Jalen was gonna pick me up at 5:00 the red carpet started at at 5:30 and then the gala started at 7:30. I was drinking my coffee playing with Luca and my mom said "how are you feeling about tonight?" I said "nervous. This is our first big outing as a couple." My mom said "it's gonna be alright. I'm sure Jalen will take care of you." I said "yeah I'm sure." Around 12:00 my mom started on my hair. She curled it and then braided it and pulled it up in a ponytail. At 4:00 my sister started on my makeup she did a dark look with a little bit of glitter on my eyeshadow. At 5:15 I got into my dress and put my heels on. I walked downstairs and my mom said "oh Av you look stunning." I said "I feel like I'm going to prom." My sister laughed and said "that's what it feels like for us too." There was a knock on the door and my mom went over and opened the door with Luca on her hip. A minute later her and Jalen walked in and Jalen said "wow Avery. You look amazing." I said "you look so handsome." He came over and gave me a kiss and said "you ready for this?" I said "I guess so." He said "so I was thinking we would just stay at a hotel tonight." I said "ok." I looked at my sister and said "Ky can you go grab a bag for me." She nodded and ran upstairs and a few minutes later came back down. Jalen took my bag from her and helped me out to the car. My mom said "I'll see you guys tomorrow." I gave Luca a kiss and said "see you bubby. I love you." Jalen kissed his head and said "see you bud."

Jalen's POV
We just got to the red carpet. Before we got out of the car I said "if you ever feel uncomfortable on the carpet just tell me and I'll get us out of there." She said "ok." I got out and went and opened her door and helped her out. I grabbed her hand and we started the walk on the "green carpet." We were just a quarter of the way through when I was asked to do an interview. We walked up and the interviewer said "Jalen how is it being in the city with the whole team?" I said "oh man you know I'm just so thankful and blessed to be here doing what I love. These guys have become my brothers." She said "and how are you feeling about being the starter after being a back up last season?" I said "I learned a lot last season from Carson. We're gonna miss him in the locker room. To answer your question though I am so excited to get to work in a few weeks. I just want to make the team and this city proud." She said "ok last question you've got a gorgeous girl on your arm tonight. How does she feel about your career?" I looked at Avery and she said "you know I'm so proud of him. These past few months I've seen him work hard. I know he's gonna make this city proud." I smiled and the interviewer said "thank you both very much." We were halfway down the carpet and I was asked to do a few more interviews. We were almost done and I was being interviewed. The interviewer said "so do you think that you having a new girlfriend is going to screw with your head?" I said "well I don't know what your talking about or what your insinuating but my girlfriend has been the best thing to happen to me in the last few months. So no I think her being there for me will be so helpful." The interviewer said "so you don't think she's using you." Now I was getting furious. I said "I know for a fact she isn't using me. The fact that you would even insinuate that about her is very hurtful and I won't be answering anymore questions." I walked away and grabbed Avery's hand and we finished the red carpet and walked into the gala. Avery said "babe what's wrong?" I said "that last interviewer asked me if you were using me. I told her that you weren't and he kept trying to push it." Avery said "baby you know I'm never gonna use you." I said "I know. It just ticks me off." She gave me a kiss and said "let's just enjoy tonight."

A few hours later and a few drinks in Avery and I were up in our hotel room. She said "baby I want you." I said "Av we're both tipsy." She said "I'm not that bad to know I want you." I gave her a kiss and said "ok."

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