The Journey

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Avery's POV
Being diagnosed with cancer has been a roller coaster of emotions. Today is my first day of chemotherapy. Jalen is coming with me even though I told him he should go to football. He said he told his coaches what was going on and they were very accommodating to him. They told him how much family meant to them and that he should let them know if any of us need anything. Luca is staying at my moms for the day. I woke up around 7:00 and I quick showered and got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve. Jalen walked into the room and said "you hungry?" I said "not really." He said "you should eat a little bit of something." I said "ok. I'll take a few pieces of toast." He said "ok." He made some toast and we ate some breakfast together. After eating I said "ok. Let's go." When we walked into the hospital my anxiety went up. Jalen grabbed my hand and said "I love you." I said "I love you." They hooked me up to my chemo after my blood results came back good. The nurse said "ok this is gonna run for the next 3 and a half hours. If you need anything at all just press your call button. I'll be back to check on you constantly." I smiled and said "thanks."

Jalen's POV
Avery just fell asleep. I walked into the hall and called her mom. I said "how's Luca?" She said "he's good. He's sound asleep right now. How's our girl?" I said "she's sleeping right now. She has about 2 and a half more hours. Then she has to get bloodwork again. Then hopefully we'll be home." She said "ok. I'll talk to you soon. J thanks for loving Avery." I smiled and said "she makes it easy." When I walked back into the room I sat next to Avery and held her hand.

~4 Months Later

Avery's POV
This whole cancer journey has been full of ups and downs. But I'm finally almost on the other side of it. Jalen and the eagles made it to the NFC championship game but they came up short. Today I have an appointment to see how my cancer is. Jalen and Luca are coming with me. Walking into the doctors office I felt a sense of calm. We were sitting in the room and Luca was making us laugh. The doctor walked in and said "hey here's my favorite patient." I smiled and said "hey Doc A." He said "ok so we have some good news." I grabbed Jalen's hand and said "tell us Doc." He said "as of now we don't see any signs of cancer." Jalen took a deep breath and I said "your saying I don't have cancer." He said "you don't have cancer signs. We'll need to see you every 3 months for the next year. But I am very happy with how you are doing." I gave the doctor a hug and said "thank you for everything." He said "your the fighter. I had the easy job." Jalen said "thank you doctor." When he left the room I wrapped Jalen and Luca in a hug and Jalen said "let's go home."

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