The Mom

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Avery's POV
When I got home from the bar my mom decided to just stay the night. Today we decided to go for brunch and go shopping for Luca's birthday. I woke up around 8:00 and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a long sleeve and vans. I got Luca dressed in a pair of jeans, a tan shirt and Nikes. When we were all ready we headed to downtown Philly for brunch. While we waited for our food my mom said "how was your night out?" I said "it was good. Some guy was hitting on me." She said "oh yeah. Was he nice?" I said "he was. At the end of the night he tried to ask me out but I turned him down." My mom said "why babe? You deserve love and maybe he could give it to you." I said "mom you know I don't date. I haven't since I had Luca. I'm only focused on him and I don't want to take any attention off of him." My mom said "look your the absolute best mom I've ever seen. Luca can still be your whole world while you find someone who will love you and him." I said "I don't want to give someone else my heart and have it broken like his dad broke it." My mom said "look I know his dad broke your heart more than anyone else but you got the best thing because of that relationship in Luca. Plus Luca needs a father figure in his life." I said "we're doing just fine without a man." My mom said "I know babe but listen he's gonna need a man in his life other than your dad." I said "I'm just not ready to open my heart." She said "you'll be ready when you least expect it." I said "hopefully."

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