The Question

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Avery's POV
Last night was the gala and Jalen and I slept together for the first time. Waking up this morning I felt so happy. I was in Jalen's arms and felt so comfortable. I was laying in bed next to him when I felt him stirring. He wrapped his arms around me tighter and kissed my head and said "good morning baby." I said "morning babe." He said "how do you feel?" I said "I feel good. How do you feel?" He said "really good. Last night was magical." I smiled and said "it felt magical to me too." He said "you wanna go pick Luca up and go get breakfast or lunch?" I said "yeah let's do it." We got changed and headed to my house. When we got there my mom wanted all the details on the gala. After filling her in she left and Jalen, Luca and I headed downtown. We had Luca in his stroller and Jalen was pushing it. We were sitting at brunch and I said "why don't you move in with us." He looked at me and said "wait are you serious?" I said "look I've told you I don't want to play around. Luca's dad has now decided that he doesn't want to be in his life. I want you to be with us." He smiled and said "ok then. Let's do it." After brunch we went to Jalen's and he said "ok I'm just gonna pack some bags for now." I said "ok." We walked into his place and I couldn't believe how decorated it was. He said "I think I'm gonna keep this place for now that way if any of my friends or family come into town they can stay here." I said "whatever you need to do." He said "are we really doing this?" I said "we are and it's gonna be the best thing." After he packed a few bags we were back at my place. Jalen unpacked some bags and then we just did a movie night. Luca was asleep on Jalen and he said "I'll go put him to bed." He got up and I texted my mom and said "he's moving in."

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