Black Cat (Midorima X Reader)

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"And your lucky item for today is a black cat." The radio announced. (Your Zodiac) was announced first place while Cancers were 11th.

"Shintaro. Hear that? It's a black cat!" You teased. You knew that he's scared of cats and plus it's black so you'll have a good time teasing this carrot. First off all he would start with something like "Black cats aren't lucky nanodayo." You giggle.

"Black cats aren't lucky nanodayo," He pushed his glasses up to hide that blush forming on his cheeks. Though it didn't do anything.

You burst out laughing. Damn. You are a really good fortune teller. You held your stomach while you laugh. It was too much to handle. [So sorry Midori!~]

"W-what are you laughing at nanodayo?!"

"Nothing! It's just--" You burst out laughing once more. He was such a good target!

"Stop laughing about my lucky item nanodayo!" He turns around. "You should be worried about yours."

The smile on your face disappeared and you sulk on the corner of the sofa you were sitting on. How could you forget. Oh the forecast haunts you.

"A cosplay set." You whisper. Loud enough for Midorima to hear.

"Let's get going."


You and Midorima often visit this certain shop that sells almost everything that you two need for lucky items.

It's not like you care but your boyfriend is just so persistent that you too should bring your lucky item. So that's where it started.

"Shintaro. Look!" You held a maid costume infront of you.

He doesn't look at you and instead he looks at a certain costume. It was black. It had a tail and two ears and... WAIT... IS THAT A CAT MASCOT?!

You smirk at Midorima and gave him a slight nudge at the rib. He looks at you then back to the mascot then again at you. He blushed as he stutters on his words. "I-It's not what you think i-it is nanodayo!"

"Oho~? I think it's exactly what I think~ .. Huh?" Your eyes met another cat costume and you smirk at Midorima.

"W-what?! Are you gonna buy that nanodayo?!"

"Of course not!~ Wait for me outside. I'll just buy the mascot."


"Where is Midorima? It's unlikely of him to miss practice." Otsubo said as he picked up some balls on the floor.

"I'll check on him if you want Captain!~" Takao raised his hand asking for his captain the permission to pursue.. I mean find Midorima.

The captain nodded and Takao made his way out. He decided to stop by the locker room to check on his cellphone before continuing his search. As he walked near the door, a groan was heard inside the closed space.

"Shintaro!" (Name) yelped.

"Hold still nanodayo."

Takao smirked at this and playfully opened the door with a loud BANG. "Shin-chan!~" He smiled at the carrot who was busy with something. "What are you do--" Takao's smile fades and instead he tilts his head to the side with a confused look on his face.

You were sitting on the chair with your back facing Midorima while he tightens the straps behind the costume you are currently wearing. A sexy cat costume.

"What are you two doing?" Takao asks.

Midorima notices Takao and his face instantly heats up. He pushed you from your seat and turned around while trying to hide his tomato red face.

"What was that for?!" You glared at Midorima who pushed you away. Thus you landed on the floor.

"Oho?~ That's a bold costume you got there (Name)-chan~" Takao laughs.

You smiled at Takao and stood up. "Yeah. It's my lucky item for today." You picked the jacket on the bench and teasingly looked at Midorima who was blushing.


You nodded and did what he said. Takao comes closer you and helped you with putting the jacket on. It was certainly hard to move with the costume.

After putting the jacket on, you instantly latch into Midorima's arm. Causing him to blush even more. If that's even possible.

"W-W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING NANODAYO?!" He flails around.

"I'm your lucky item, A black cat." You smirk. "Nyaa~"

Takao bursts out laughing at Midorima's reaction. He held his stomach as he laughs harder. His face red from his laughing session.

Midorima forcefully removed your grip on his arms and backs away. "STAY AWAY FROM ME! YOU'RE DISGUSTING NANODAYO!" He shouts.

"But Shintaro I am your lucky item!" You reason out. You tried to latch into him but he ran away and heads for the door. You ran behind him.



I don't know what I'm doing with life right now. HAHAHA. It's cool how this got 30+ reads and a vote. I'm impressed. Seriously. ҉٩(*'︶'*)۶҉ It's my first time doing this so it makes me happy to know that someone is reading this. HAHAHA.

I have this obsession with Yandere! Ayato and Yandere! Tetsuya. [I'm not sure why I put exclamation points. O_O] So if you know a lot of stories with them as Yanderes. Don't be shy and tell me. *winks*

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