Asking Her (Midorima X Reader)

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You stretched your arms. You were tired. Afterall, the surprise quiz in Japanese just ended. You didn't have the time to review at all because being the Shutoku manager is not as easy as you think.

"How was the test (Name)-chan?" (Bestfriend's Name) asks as she sits infront of you.

"Uwah!~ Totally flunked it." You hung your head low.

"So Shin-chan~ How was the test? You totally flunked it did you?" You hear Takao and Midorima talking. Their's and your seats aren't that far.

"That's not possible nanodayo." Midorima simply said as he pushed his glasses up.

You blushed slightly at this. You have the so called "Megane fetish" and this resulted for you falling for Midorima Shintaro.

"Ne Shin-chan!~ (Name)-chan totally flunked the test. Why don't you give her a hand?" Takao winks at Midorima who flushed red.

"W-what are you saying. I refuse, nanodayo" He pushes his glasses up to hide his blush.

You giggled. Midorima is so cute. "Look who's blushing" (Bestfriend's Name) Teases.

"Oh shut it!" You turn your face away.

"If you won't do it. Then I would!" You hear Takao say, followed by running footsteps.

You looked up to see Takao grinning.

"What is it?" You tried to act innocent.

"Ne. Can--" Poor Takao was being dragged outside by Midorima.


He straightens himself while trying to hide that blush that was forming. "D-do you need a tutor? I-I-I can do it," He flushed red. "It's not like I want to--"

"Silly, Midorima-kun. Of course you can." You laughed at how Tsundere he's become.

You hear Takao whine from the hallways, "SHIN-CHAN!~ I was about to ask (Name)-chan!" He pouted as he walks in.

"W-what is it nanodayo?"

"If she would be willing to have you as a tutor." He smiled. "Yaa~ Shin-chan~ Never thought you were jealous."

Midorima and you both blushed.

"Shin-chan is so possessive~" Takao laughs as he leans on the door frame.

"TAKAO!" You both yelled.

And I'm lame~ Fudge. I wasn't thinking straight yet again then I ended up making this horrible thing. I don't know if Midori was OOC or IC whatever. HAHAHAHA.

Pat: /Blows kisses/ Love you, Midori~

Midorima: You're disgusting!

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