Disguise (Kasamatsu X Reader)

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It has been three days now. Your useless cousin or also known as Kise Ryota got sick and that resulted for him to be absent. Either to class or practice. But since he's scared of Kasamatsu kicking his ass. He begged you to disguise as him.

It wasn't that hard actually. Considering that you almost look like him. Save for the hair. Nobody suspects a thing, nobody except that jerk Moriyama. You kinda beat him up in order for him to shut up.

It wasn't hard for class. Especially when you're smarter than that dork. And basketball practice aren't that of a hassle since you know how to play basketball. Runs in the family I guess?

"Oi. Kise. Pay attention!" You came back to your senses and vigorously nodded at the person who just yelled at you.

Kasamatsu Yukio. He's one of the reasons why you agreed to doing this. This certain captain is your long time crush. The two of you went to the same middleschool but you never really got to know each other.

"I-I'm sorry!" You blushed.

"So as I was saying," He continued. You stared outside the window, not paying attention to whatever Kasamatsu is discussing.

Your cellphone vibrated and you took a peek. "From Ryota." You whispered then followed by a frown.

[Sender: Ryota
Title: (Name)cchi!~
Body: How are you? The doctor said I'll be better in 2 days so until then please put up with it!~ ٩(๑❛▽❛๑)۶]


"Good job today everyone." You cheered as you wipe the sweat off of your forehead. The team practice just ended and they gave you a break.

You took a bottle from the cooler box and hand it over to the exhausted Kasamatsu who was sitting on the bench with a towel on his head.

"Thank you, Kise."

"N-no problem!~" You chirped.

"Is your sore throat not gone yet? You sound awfully like a girl." He gave you a remark with one of his eyebrows slightly raised.

"Yes it seems!~ But don't worry about me Kasamatsu-senpai!~" You nervously laughed as you scratch your head.

"You're acting weird lately." He eyed you and you chuckle nervously. Flinching now and then.

"Kise hand me a bottle of water here!" Moriyama called out to you and you instantly face him with glare. He gulps and excuses himself.

Kasamatsu stands up but then you held his wrist. Realizing what you have done. You blushed and let go of his hand. Hell you don't even know why you did that.

"Kise." You looked up at him only to be kicked on the butt. You stumbled and held your butt, dusting it like how Kise would do it. You practiced being "Kise like" for hours and you somehow got it.

"So mean!~" You pout and faked cry. He glared at you one more time before picking up his towel and walking outside the gym.

"Jaa~ I'll be going now too!~"


You made your way to the locker room. As soon as you stepped and closed the door you heave a huge sigh. Today was tiring. You thought to yourself as you open Kise's locker.

"But seriously what did I just do? " You holding on to Kasamatsu's wrist flashed on your mind and you once again blush.

The door to the shower room opened and steam filled the locker room. You gasp. You thought there's no one here. Considering that they are all in the gym and Kasamatsu already left.... Wait. WHAT?!

You didn't dare face the person who just came out the shower. Nor did you have the courage to even greet or bow to him.

He opened the locker beside you and you being you instantly averted your eyes. Who wouldn't blush if their crush was half naked infront of you? HELL I KNOW YOU WOULD BLUSH!

You opened the locker and grabbed Kise's hoodie and his bag. You put on the hoodie and shut the locker. Kasamatsu raised an eyebrow at your actions.

"Oi. Kise. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing is. Now if you'll--" You tried to walk away but a part of your hoodie was stuck on the locker door. You tried to pull it but then it seems like the door got jammed. And what's worst is that any minute now, your wig will come off.

"It's stuck." You say as you once again tried to pull the part of the hoodie. It was almost out when you feel the wig... Err. Come off. Well it WILL come off if you moved any further.

"Let me help you." Kasamatsu placed his hand on the hoodie and tried to pull it. You panicked. Not just because of Kasamatsu's half naked body but also because of the fear of your wig coming off.

"N-no! I can do this!" You slightly hid your face further within the hoodie. Adjusting the hood so that it'll cover your face.

"It's stuck you dumbass!"

"No! No! Kasamatsu! Stop pulling my hoodie!" The cloth that jammed the locker was now out of the way. But so is your wig. Your (Hair Length) (Hair Color) hair fell down on your shoulders.

He blushed. You blushed redder. "WAH!" You tried to run away but he got your wrist thus stopping you from your tracks. He pulls you closer against his chest and you can feel his heartbeat quickening.

Your face instantly heats up and you look up at Kasamatsu. He was clearly embarrassed too because of the intense blush on his face. He slowly pats your head.

"Thank God," He averts his eyes. "I thought I was falling for that idiot"

WTF. Is Yukio OOC? Lol. I'm so sorry! I just got an idea and well Yukio was the perfect victim--I mean character for this oneshot. I could've make this a Midoriloser X Reader fanfic but then I just love Yukio. Anyways, see ya on my next update!~

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