Chapter 1

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Their family had always been poor, they were poor then and they were poor now, and the situation only got worse when their parent's passed away. What little income they had disappeared and Leeteuk was left in charge of the little family.

First there was Leeteuk himself, his real name was Jungsoo, Park Jungsoo, he was the eldest of four sons, and it was now his responsibility to care for the younger brothers he loved deeply.

Next was Eunhyuk, or Lee Hyukjae, the second oldest. He had a talent for dancing and sometimes he and Donghae would dance in the street while Leeteuk and Ryeowook sang in order to get money.

Third was Lee Donghae, just like his brothers, he was very musically talented, he could dance and sing and compose songs with his youngest brother, Kim Ryeowook.

Kim Ryeowook was the baby of the family, when their parents died he had only been one years old, Donghae had been 2, Eunhyuk 3, and Leeteuk 5.

Of course, Leeteuk could not care for his family just when he was only 5, they were sent to live with their uncle and aunt, their mother's sister, who had insisted on giving them all different surnames. "Park Jungsoo Leeteuk, Lee Hyukjae and Lee Donghae, your father's surname, and Kim Ryeowook, my surname!" she had wanted them to have all parts of the family in them, and this was her way of doing it, or else they would all have been Park's.

Auntie Taeyeon was a lively person, but her husband was not, he would sit in the corner glaring at the children, but his wife loved them dearly and there was nothing he could do about it.

Until one winter came to pass, 3 years later, it was colder than other years, and poor Taeyeon was not a strong woman. She passed away that winter, leaving the four young children with her scary, ill natured husband.

Leeteuk had only been 8 when she died, and Ryeowook 4, and though they were young, their uncle showed no mercy on them. From the moment his wife died he whipped them and made them work as if they were slaves without even feeding them properly, "You've been spoiled," he told them in his nasty voice, "And we have to undo it, every single bit." he even whipped Ryeowook, the poor little baby. And Leeteuk would not stand for it any longer.

A few months after that, when his uncle was out, he stole all the money and food in the house and stuffed it into all of their pockets. He took the uncle's belts and handed it out to each child in case they were followed, and then they fled.

For days they slept on the streets, with Ryeowook on Leeteuk's lap and Eunhyuk and Donghae cuddled up to them.

Leeteuk did not want to be taken into care, and that meant he had to work, so for the first month, they sang and danced in the streets, even at that young age they could dance and sing very well, and people in the street applauded them and showered them with money. They walked and walked, Leeteuk knew that his parent's old apartment still belonged to them, so they walked and took buses to their old city. Leeteuk still had a spare house key, so they burst into their old home and lived there ever since.

Leeteuk worked at a small ice cream store, Eunhyuk at a bakery, Donghae at a small stand selling fish and chips, and of course, they took turns taking little baby Ryeowook with them to work.

Leeteuk applied for all of them to go to a public school that cost them barely anything at all so that they could save money. And at home they mostly used candles and fans in order to save the electricity bill. And that was how they managed to scrape by all these years.

They also had kind friends, such as Leeteuk's buddy from school, Kim Heechul, who was a bad tempered boy but once you got to know him, he had a heart of gold, he often gave Leeteuk food and toys and money which Leeteuk tried to refuse, but Heechul would not give up until Leeteuk took them. He also doted on the younger three too. And so Kim Heechul became like a cousin to them, and though life was hard, they managed.



So how is this for a first chapter?? It's an introduction so it's short. sorry :)

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