Chapter 18

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"Hae, help your brother shower, Kyuhyun, you help." Yunho said in a commanding voice, "I need to go check on Kibum."

"Check on him? Why? What happened?" Donghae asked persistently as he held Ryeowook. 

"Kibum and Ryeowook have had ... a little falling out." Yunho said tactfully, he did not want Ryeowook to hear the word fight and cry even more. 

"It's okay, Wookie, come on, hyung will help you shower ... why are you following us?" Donghae asked Kyuhyun, he was pretty sure the reason for all of this was Kyuhyun. 

"To help Ryeowook shower." Kyuhyun answered. 

"It's okay." Donghae said stiffly, "I'll do it." 

"No, I want to help, besides, Yunho hyung told me to." 

"YOU CAN'T SEE MY BROTHER NAKED!" Donghae screamed, losing his temper. He hated to see Ryeowook so fragile, so broken. He hated to see someone who had hurt Ryeowook want to help. 

"Stop fighting!" Yunho ordered, "You two work it out nicely, why don't you ask Ryeowook what he wants? I'll be going now, I love you Wookie." Yunho gave Ryeowook's forehead a small kiss, "Take care of him, you two." he told Kyuhyun and Donghae before leaving to see Kibum. 

"Ryeowookie, what do you want?" Donghae's tone changed immediately when he talked to Ryeowook, his voice was now sugar sweet, as if speaking to a real baby. 

"I want umma." Ryeowook mumbled sleepily, tired out from all the crying, "And I want Auntie Taeyeon." 

Donghae and Kyuhyun looked at each other desperately, what were they supposed to do know? How were they supposed to give Ryeowook the people he wanted when they were ... dead? "Will Hae hyung do instead?" Donghae asked as gently as possible, he was rather scared of what Ryeowook would say to this. 

"Umma, and Auntie Taeyeon." Ryeowook insisted, closing his eyes. 

Donghae checked his brothers forehead, "He has a fever." he told Kyuhyun in a hushed voice, "I don't think he remembers that they're dead." 

"Where's umma and Auntie Tae?" Ryeowook asked, his eyes still closed peacefully, "I want them." 

"They're ... not home yet." Donghae choked, tears rolling down his cheeks. 

"When will they get here?" Ryeowook asked sleepily, "I miss them." 

Donghae let out a loud sob, "Soon, Ryeowookie, they'll be home soon, sleep first, okay?" 

Kyuhyun began crying too when he saw Ryeowook asking for his mother, waiting for his mother. A mother who would never come home.

"May I?" Kyuhyun asked shyly. After another huge fight about who would bathe Ryeowook. Leeteuk and Eunhyuk had come home and in the end, they were the ones who bathed a very tired and worn out Ryeowook.

Now, they had just put him in bed and were tucking him in.

May I? Everyone knew what Kyuhyun meant. He wasn't really asking anyone in particular. He was just asking for permission. Anyone's permission. For him to kiss Ryeowook.

Donghae shook his head fiercely, extremely against Kyuhyun kissing his brother.

Leeteuk and Eunhyuk nodded.

That's two to one. Kyuhyun thought before slowly leaning forward to kiss Ryeowook. Their lips met for the second time since they had become friends. "Mm." Ryeowook moaned appreciatively, seeing that Ryeowook was enjoying it, he deepened the kiss. Still, it was not a very rough kiss, it was a slow passionate kiss that Kyuhyun was pouring all his love for Ryeowook into.

Pulling apart for air, Kyuhyun whispered, "Ryeowook-aa, saranghae."

And in return, Ryeowook opened his eyes and told him, "Saranghae, Kyuhyun-aa."


"Kibum, it's okay." Yunho comforted the younger. One of his favorite dongsaengs. 

"It's not fair." Kibum sobbed into his pillow, "I loved him first. And what did Kyuhyun ever do for him? It's not FAIR!" he screamed, getting up and punching his pillow.  

"Bummie-aa, I know, believe me, I know." He ruined my love life too. He ruined my friendship too. Jaejoong left me for him. 

"I hate him." 

"Kibum-aa, let me tell you something." Yunho said softly, sitting beside Kibum on the bed, "After Jaejoong left me, he made a new friend. When I saw them together, it broke my heart into pieces."  

"That's exactly what's happening to me." Kibum sobbed brokenly. 

"He was Kyuhyun."

"What?" Kibum asked, drying his tears uncertainly. 

"The person who helped Jaejoong break apart from me." I don't even want to say his name. How many more people is he going to break? 


Yunho nodded. 

Kibum's expression turned ugly, his thoughts were now very much like Yunho's. So he's done this to other people too. Why had Ryeowook fallen for someone like this? A player, a bully, someone who broke people to get what he wanted. 


This was where Kibum and Yunho's thoughts differed. Yunho, though he was hurt, knew that Kyuhyun had not done this intentionally. How was Kyuhyun supposed to know that the reason Jaejoong suddenly wanted to be friends with him was because his hyung had suddenly confessed his 'gay' love towards him? He wouldn't know, he just played with Jaejoong when Jaejoong asked him to, that was all, he was just a little boy back then, he would not have wondered why Jaejoong suddenly befriended him. He hadn't even known Yunho. And in Kibum and Ryeowook's case ... Kyuhyun had not known before that Kibum harbored feelings for Ryeowook, so of course he would chase after Ryeowook.

However, Kibum, who was still deeply and bitterly wounded, and who was not as sensible as Yunho, did not see things in the same way. Yunho was much wiser and more sensible than his years, so it was not strange that he would think differently from Kibum. If it had been any other normal person, they would have acted and thought like Kibum, who thought Kyuhyun had done all this on purpose. 

Yunho knew there was no point in trying to explain this to Kibum. Not yet. It was too early. His wound was too fresh, but maybe, over time, once he had calmed down, and maybe healed a bit, he would unterstand what Yunho understood and wanted to tell him. 



wook's final answer to kyu is next chapter :P

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