Chapter 34

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Kibum stared at Yunho in disbelief, "You're - you're just gonna forget him?" 

Yunho said grimly, "Well, after what I've been hearing about him, he seems to be beyond help." 

"You're - you're giving up?" Kibum stuttered. 

"Giving up and moving on aren't the same thing, Kibum." Before Kibum could say more, Yunho straightened his shirt and added, "I better go check on Ryeowookie and Kyuhyun, I haven't seen them since they brought your ice cream and I have a vague suspicion that they're up to no good." he turned to leave. 

Kibum called out, "Wait, hyung!" he got up.

Yunho turned around, "Yes?" he asked, expecting Kibum to say something important. 

"Can I have more ice cream? Cookies n Cream this time." 


Kyuhyun pulled up his pants and lifted Ryeowook to his feet. 

"We should get out of here before someone finds out." 

Trying to act casual, the couple cautiously left the storage cupboard - and ran straight into Yunho, standing in front of the door with his arms crossed angrily. 

"Uh oh." 

"And just what were you doing in there?" Yunho demanded. 

"Getting some stuff for the chef," Kyuhyun made up. 

"You aren't carrying anything," Yunho pointed out. 

"Oh, we couldn't find it - seems like it ran out," Kyuhyun lied. 

"What were you looking for?" Yunho asked smugly, knowing that he had hit the weak point in their story. 

"Giraffes," Ryeowook muttered without thinking, he was still thinking about Kyuhyun's promise to him. 

"Really? Giraffes? I wasn't aware that my restaurant had a giraffe dish," Yunho said interestingly. 

"Well now you know," Kyuhyun snapped, he was starting to panic. 

"Chef! Chef Changmin?" Yunho called. 

A tall man in a chef's outfit and hat appeared, he had a bright smile plastered on his face. Kyuhyun noticed that when he smiled, one eye became smaller than the other. 

"Yes boss?" 

Yunho sighed, "Changmin, I thought I told you not to call me that?" 

"Yes you did boss." 

Yunho muttered something about "stupid employees" before continuing, "Do we have a giraffe dish here?" he asked. 

"Giraffes? Nope, but we do have beef, chicken and pork - " Changmin rattled off happily, "Hey boss, shouldn't you know the menu?" he asked curiously. 

"I do know the menu, I just wanted to make sure that these two do too," Yunho nodded at Kyuhyun and Ryeowook. 

"I can show you the menu," Changmin offered, not getting the situation, "I haven't spoken to you in a while, Wookie, what's up? You doing okay with your boyfriend?" 

Ryeowook nodded happily, "He's going to give me a real giraffe," Ryeowook told his hyung happily. 

Changmin laughed, "Where are you gonna keep it?" 

Ryeowook frowned, suddenly realizing that Changmin was right, "Kyuhyun, where are we gonna keep it?" he asked his boyfriend. 

"We'll find a place," Kyuhyun assured Ryeowook, trying not to laugh, the panic was slowly giving away to laughter. 

Until Yunho continued. 

"Perhaps we can keep it here," Yunho suggested.

Ryeowook's face lit up and his eyes shone, "Really hyung?" 

Yunho smiled dryly, "Yes, according to you, we have run out of giraffes for our giraffe dish after all." 

Changmin looked around, confused, "But we don't have a giraffe dish." 

"We do now," Yunho snapped at him, "By the way, tell someone to take Kibum some more ice cream, cookies n cream this time." 

"Right away boss!" Changmin saluted his employer before bouncing away happily. 

"Now you two," Yunho turned his attention back to Kyuhyun and Ryeowook, "Care to tell me the truth?" 

"Fine, we were making out," Kyuhyun admitted, "Happy now?" 

"No, not exactly, but I won't do anything, just make sure it doesn't happen again," Yunho told them, "And what the hell was that about buying a giraffe?" 


Yesung walked alone. He had know idea where he was going, he just kept going straight forward. It didn't matter where he would end up, nothing mattered much anymore. 

Back there, when he had seen Kyuhyun and Ryeowook together like that, he had wanted to die. Ryeowook was his source of happiness, Ryeowook was his. Or at least used to be his. He had gone through break ups before, but never had it hurt so much like this time. This time made all the other times look like soft. 

He wanted to drag Ryeowook away from Kyuhyun and kiss him senseless. He wanted to take Ryeowook away so they could live together, just the two of them. He wanted Ryeowook to tell Kyuhyun that he was sorry, but his heart belonged to him: Kim Jongwoon Yesung. 

But that wasn't meant to be. It just wasn't. He could never force Ryeowook to love him. He himself could've made an action but what stopped him was how happy Ryeowook looked with Kyuhyun. Their was love in his eyes that showed towards Kyuhyun but had never been shown to him. 

It hurt. 

Somehow, Yesung now found himself on the bridge overlooking the Han River. 

I'm useless. Even Ryeowook doesn't love me, Yesung thought miserably. 

Without a sound, he took out a pocket knife from his pocket, it was something he always kept with him. After all, it was a dangerous city, he might have to use it someday. 

But he never thought that he would use it on himself. 

He pulled up the sleeve of his jacket and placed the knife on the skin of his arms, tears rolling silently down his cheeks. 

He was about to dig the blade into his skin when a voice rang out behind him in the dark night. 

"Now would you really want to do that?" 



I'm mean so I'm ending this chapter here xD any guesses on who it is that spoke to yesung?

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