Chapter 22

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"Baby?" Kyuhyun asked Ryeowook the next day. 


"I need to go home to get some clothes and my car, and I want you to come meet my parents." 

Ryeowook cowered just thinking about meeting Kyuhyun's mother, "No thank you." he said, his teeth chattering. 

"Please Wookie, I promise my dad isn't like that." 

"Will he like it that we're gay?" Ryeowook retorted. He was still extremely emotional from everything that was going on around him. 

"He'll be perfectly fine with it." Kyuhyun promised. 

Agreeing to go, Ryeowook asked Yunho for a day off and after school they went to Kyuhyun's house by bus. All throughout the ride, they sat side by side, their fingers intertwined, and Kyuhyun purring over Ryeowook. But Ryeowook himself was deep in thought. He returned Kyuhyun's kisses only half heartedly. He was scared about how he would be greeted at the Cho home. After all, he had bitten Mrs. Cho's leg before. And to top that all off, he didn't have Kibum to talk to anymore. As much as he wanted to go talk to Kibum, he was still too shy to approach him. 

"Baby pay attention to me." Kyuhyun pouted, "Baby, I know you're nervous about going to my house, and you're still upset about Kibum. But I promise that I will try to talk to him later in the week, don't worry baby." 

"It's okay Kyukyu, I'll talk to Bummie myself." Ryeowook squeezed Kyuhyun's hand reassuringly. The bus came to a stop, "We're here." Kyuhyun announced, pulling Ryeowook off the bus excitedly. 

"Kyunnie, do your parents know I'm coming?" Ryeowook asked, feeling queasy inside. 

"I called to tell them." Kyuhyun answered, dragging him forwards. "There!" he stopped proudly in front of the gate of a huge mansion. It was like a palace, with fountains outside and a beautiful garden and ... and ... 

Ryeowook bent his head in shame, comparing this to his own home. Why did Kyuhyun prize him over this beautiful mansion that was his?  

Sensing what Ryeowook was thinking, Kyuhyun pulled him closer, "I prefer your place." he said before opening the large gate and letting them in. "Appa! Umma! I'm home! Ryeowook is here!" he called once they had crossed the huge lawn and opened the door into the house. 

"In the living room!" a small, male voice called. 

Kyuhyun put his arms around Ryeowook and walked him to the living room. 

Ryeowook was in awe of what he was seeing, it was something he usually only saw in his dreams. It was too fancy for him to even describe. His jaw dropped open. 

"Appa, umma, this is my Ryeowookie." Kyuhyun introduced them. 

Ryeowook snapped out of his trance, "Annyeonghaseyo, Mr. and Mrs. Cho." Ryeowook's eyes were filled with fear as he addressed Kyuhyun's mother, who was digging her nails into her armchair in an attempt to not lose her temper. 

Mr. Cho shot his wife a warning glance. 

He turned back to give Ryeowook a warm smile, "Hello, Ryeowook, I'm glad to meet you. Are you happy with our Kyuhyun?" 

"Yes, Mr. Cho." Ryeowook bowed his head respectfully. 

"Please call me appa if you like." Mr. Cho said pleasantly, "I would like to be your appa too." 

Kyuhyun looked embarrassed, but he didn't say anything about it. 

"Thank you Mr. - Appa." Ryeowook quickly corrected himself, suddenly feeling that he liked Kyuhyun's father very much. He was nothing like his wife. 

"We better go to my room and pack now." Kyuhyun quickly interrupted, scared that his mother would explode in anger and ruin this good beginning, "Let's go Wookie." Ryeowook said a quick good bye to Mr. Cho before following Kyuhyun up to his room. 

Kyuhyun's room was even bigger than his living room, which made Ryeowook feel ashamed. Kyuhyun carried him to the king sized bed and set him down softly, "I'll pack now, okay?" 

"I need the bathroom." Ryeowook whined softly, wanting to see how fancy Kyuhyun's bathroom was. 

"Right there." Kyuhyun smiled, pointing to a white door. Ryeowook bounced up and went to it. 

"Oh, the lock's broken!" Kyuhyun called. 

"Okay!" Ryeowook said in a hurry, he peered into the bathtub, wow! Kyuhyun has a tap made of crystal! And what was in those cabinets? Ryeowook tried to open them with as little noise as possible. To his surprise, it was filled with - Ryeowook read the labels - lube and condoms. 

Shelves upon shelves of lubes and condoms, all different flavors and kinds, and so many sex toys that Ryeowook couldn't count. Now Ryeowook may not have known a lot about sex, but he knew what lube and condoms were, and it didn't take him a long time to figure out that those toys were sex related. 

He felt a churning in his stomach, it was plummeting down - down. In sadness and anger. 

"Wookie?" the door of the bathroom opened, "Wookie you've been in here for ages! What are you -?" Kyuhyun caught sight of what Ryeowook was holding. "Baby it's not what you think - " 

"Who did you use these with?" Ryeowook asked sadly, his face drooping. 

"Baby, these were from before I knew you. I swear I forgot all about them ever since I met you." Kyuhyun said desperately. 

"You needed this much? I knew you were addicted but this is ... " Ryeowook put the condom he was holding back, feeling like he might throw up and second now. 

"I swear I forgot all about them, I'll throw all of it away now, Wookie, just please - don't think I don't love you and leave me." Aggressively, Kyuhyun took an armful of lube and tossed it into plastic bag. "I'll throw every single bit of it away." Determined to show Ryeowook his love, he shoved cabinets full of lube, condoms, and sex toys into plastic bags, throwing them out. 

Ryeowook just watched, his body shaking violently but silently. 

Kyuhyun stormed out of his room with the plastic bags and threw them into the bin in front of his house so that the garbage truck could take it away later. He ran back up to Ryeowook. "There. They're all gone, baby, I'm sorry, I - "Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around the shaking boy, "I've changed now, I promise." 

"Why do stay with me?" Ryeowook asked suddenly, his voice vibrating with emotion. The question stung Kyuhyun's heart. "You have everything here. You could've had all the sex you wanted - but with me I won't even let you. You have a large, fancy mansion that anyone would die for. Why would you want to stay with me?" 

Kyuhyun gently rubbed his palms against Ryeowook's back soothingly, "Because," he said softly into his boyfriend's ear, "Wealth is not everything. There is no love in this fancy mansion. But in your small apartment - there is more love and warmth than anyone has ever felt and experienced. And what does sex mean, if it's not with the one you love?" 


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