Chapter 26

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 For the first time, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook woke up all alone, without a single soul in the room to interrupt them. Both men were still naked from last nights making out. 

Kyuhyun suddenly lay his head down on Ryeowook's stomach, surprising his lover, "Your hungry." Kyuhyun chuckled, hearing the growling noise from his stomach that even Ryeowook himself hadn't noticed, "Lets go to eat?" 

Ryeowook nodded in agreement, now that Kyuhyun pointed it out, breakfast was sounding good right now. Fried bacon - and pancakes...? They didn't get to buy pancakes much but now that they had more money Leeteuk occasionally bought ingredients and asked Ryeowook to make them. Blueberry pancakes ... with whipped cream and chocolates chips on top ... Ryeowook's mouth began to water, he would be so disappointed if they didn't have the ingredients to make these pancakes he was dreaming about. 

"Yah, what are you thinking about?" Kyuhyun asked with a bright smile, glad to see Ryeowook looking dreamily happily

"Pancakes." Ryeowook's answer was simple, unlike the way he had imagined them in his head. 

Kyuhyun laughed. Ryeowook was just the cutest person in the world. "Before we go eat pancakes, let's put our shirts on, eh?" 

Ryeowook looked down and realized that he was still bare-chested, he blushed a little, "Get dressed ... in last night's shirt?" he asked a little doubtfully. He was sure that the shirt he had had on last night would be sweaty. Though not his sweat - Kyuhyun's.

Kyuhyun picked his shirt with one hand and swung Ryeowook towards him with the other, "Dress me." Kyuhyun whispered seductively, making Ryeowook tingle with some unknown feeling. He firmly put the shirt in Ryeowook's hand and loosened his grip so that Ryeowook could move and dress him. 

Ryeowook's arms shook as he lifted the shirt over Kyuhyun's head and pulled it down. His shaking fingers accidently brushed Kyuhyun's nipple for a second - Ryeowook felt excitement rise up inside of him and his fingers tingled. 

"Thank you." Kyuhyun hugged Ryeowook, "Now let me dress you ... " 

Every time that Kyuhyun's fingers brushed his body when he was dressing him, Ryeowook felt that electric tingle run down his spine. It was still a very unfamiliar feeling to him, but he liked it. He wanted Kyuhyun to touch him some more, he wanted to feel it again. 

When they put their boxers on each other, Ryeowook unconsciously thrust at Kyuhyun a little bit, surprising the other. And when putting on the others boxers for him he made sure to 'accidently' brush his member a lot. 

Once they were both dressed and had made themselves look as respectful as possible (which wasn't much, seeing as they only had their hands to comb their hair and they were in their shirts and boxers which were crumpled and wrinkled and sweaty), it was time to go get those pancakes. "Let's go." Kyuhyun carried Ryeowook out of the room bridal style - to find all three hyungs staring at them intently. 

Donghae snarled viciously. 

Leeteuk and Eunhyuk quickly looked away, whistling, pretending that they had never been looking at all. 

The two lovers were in quite a state, their clothes were crumpled and wrinkled, and their bed hair made it obvious that they had been doing naughty last things last night. As if the sounds weren't enough.

"Yah." Donghae got up roughly from his chair, his chair scraped the floor loudly, "You." 

Kyuhyun was in trouble. 

"I wanted my brother a virgin at the end of the night!" Donghae roared, venting out his feelings of anger for the other male.

"We didn't - " 

"YOU TOOK MY BROTHERS FUCKING VIRGINITY!" Donghae screamed, jabbing Kyuhyun's chest. 

"LEE DONGHAE! STOP!" Leeteuk intervened loudly, "How can you speak like that to our guest?" he demanded his younger brother. 

"DON'T YOU EVEN FUCKING CARE THAT HE TOOK WOOKIE'S VIRGINITY?" Donghae screamed, turning on Leeteuk too. He was in denial, and he felt betrayed, he thought that their goal had been to preserve Ryeowook's innocence for as long as possible. Yet Leeteuk and Eunhyuk had just allowed Ryeowook to sleep with Kyuhyun without even blinking an eye. 

"WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING LAST NIGHT!" Kyuhyun roared, also losing control, why couldn't Donghae just accept his relationship with Ryeowook? 


"WE DIDN'T - " 


"We didn't." 

A quiet voice penetrated the angry atmosphere, causing everything to go quiet. They had completely forgotten to look at Ryeowook, who had wriggled out of Kyuhyun's arms and was standing at his side quietly, waiting for his chance to interfere. 

"We didn't." He repeated again, in the same quiet voice as before. 

And Donghae believed him. He had grown up in circumstances that he could trust no one but his family, and his family never lied. 

"Hae-aa." Eunhyuk put his hand on Donghae's arm comfortingly, "Can we talk?" 

Donghae jerked his arm away, the touch had re triggered his anger, "Why do you want to talk now? You didn't want to last night." 

"Hae, please." 

"You had your chance! If you really liked me then you wouldn't fucking hide!" Donghae spat at Eunhyuk before storming out of the apartment. He felt shameful, for accusing Kyuhyun and Ryeowook so surely when the truth was that they hadn't done anything. He had embarrassed both himself and Ryeowook. And if that wasn't enough, he had talked about incest so openly that he now regretted the words that had flown out of his mouth. He was fed up with Eunhyuk, who kept avoiding him despite their obvious feelings for each other, and he was fed up with his heart, for liking Eunhyuk in a manner that no one should like their sibling, and for liking Eunhyuk even when Eunhyuk kept avoiding this topic. He just wanted to get away, somewhere far, far away, where he would never have to face them again. 

Back in their flat, Eunhyuk was stammering, "I - I - " 

"I want Hae hyung." Ryeowook whimpered, who wanted to hug Donghae and comfort him. 

Kyuhyun stood there awkwardly, aware that he was the one causing all their family problems. 

Knowing what Kyuhyun was thinking, Ryeowook leant over and gave Kyuhyun a peck on the lips, "I need to go out, I'll be back soon, okay?" Without waiting for an answer, Ryeowook went to get dressed and then immediately headed out. He had a pretty good idea as to where Donghae had gone. 

"Hae hyung," Ryeowook called softly, seeing his brothers figure hunched over the bridge over looking the Han River. 

Donghae ignored him. When Ryeowook walked up to him, he could see tears silently trickling down his beloved Fishie hyungs cheeks. Silently, he wrapped his arms around Donghae and placed the others head on his shoulder. For the first time, he was the grown up here. 

Together, they looked at the Han River, flowing on and on just like Donghae's tears. 

"I want umma." Donghae's voice broke the silence, his voice was quivering. 

Ryeowook used his thumb to brush away Donghae's tears. 

"I want umma ... I want to be rich ... I want - I want - to be happy!" Donghae burst out crying aloud.

Ryeowook's tears began to fall too, "I want too hyung, I want too ... " 

They didn't really know what they were asking for, but they just wanted it. 




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