Chapter 38

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Kibum pushed Ryeowook behind the tree. "Shh!" he whispered. "They're coming." Ryeowook immediately stopped giggling and became silent as he watched Jaejoong approach a waiting Yunho. 

Kyuhyun had told Ryeowook about Yunho asking to meet Jaejoong, so of course Ryeowook had to relay that to Kibum, who of course suggested that they secretly follow Yunho and listen in on the conversation. 

"I thought you already knew what was going on," Ryeowook had said earlier. 

"Yeah, but I want to see what happens next." 

Now all they could do was wait and see. 


Yunho heard the footsteps behind him, and he knew that he was right; Jaejoong had come. He didn't turn around, waiting for Jaejoong to say something first. 

"What do you want?" Jaejoong asked coldly. 

Yunho kicked away a small stone as he slowly turned around. "I don't want anything, I just want to clear this up so we can be friends again." 

Jaejoong looked at the ground, not knowing how to answer. 

"I'm sorry," Yunho continued. "I'm sorry for feeling that way if it made you uncomfortable. I don't feel like that anymore." 

Jaejoong continued to stare at his feet, still at a loss for words. 

"Let's be friends again?" Yunho smiled and extended his hand. 

His hand hovered in the air for quite a while before Jaejoong reluctantly took it and shook. He nodded. 

"How are you doing these days then?" Yunho asked. 

"Fine," Jaejoong muttered. Why was he excited at the feeling of Yunho's hand in his? He wasn't gay, he had always been as straight as a ruler. So why the hell was he excited? He'd probably have to sleep with one of his girlfriends tonight to make himself forget this feeling he suddenly had towards Yunho. 

But then he remembered that he had, like Kyuhyun, stopped sleeping around lately. 

He peered curiously at Yunho's face. Yunho was smiling, a bright, innocent smile. His face showed no feelings of love or want of romance. He was now just a hyung, nothing more. 

And now that Yunho was just a hyung who had no feelings toward him, Jaejoong wanted so much more. 


Kibum and Ryeowook watched as Yunho and Jaejoong parted ways. But this time is wasn't farewell, it was only goodbye-for-now. 

They were about to leave themselves when Jaejoong suddenly turned around, he watched Yunho leaving with a wistful expression on his face. 

Kibum nudged Ryeowook. Ryeowook giggled. "I think Jaejoong likes Yunho now!" Ryeowook said once Jaejoong had also left. 

"He went from straight to gay in a matter of seconds." Kibum snorted. "I don't blame him, Yunho's smile could've made anyone gay." 

"I won't let someone like that date my Yunho hyung," Ryeowook announced protectively. 

Kibum smiled as he suddenly remembered how nice Jaejoong had been last night. "He's alright now. In fact, I think he's taken Donghae hyung's best friend."

Ryeowook frowned, not understanding. "Yesung hyung? What do you mean?" 

"He and Yesung are really close now. Looks like Donghae hyung will have to go hunting for new friends. Or is Hyukjae hyung enough for him?" 

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