Chapter 4: Screaming Plants and Screaming Paper.

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Our first class of the day was Herbology. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Me, Neville, and Ryan were all walking towards the Greenhouse.

Hermione still hadn't gotten over that whole what Harry and Ron did was very irresponsible. And all that. Hermione's still great and all. But her nagging I'm pretty sure would make even Hermes irritated.

"You know. I think what Harry and Ron did was amazing." Neville commented to me. 

I was just happy they weren't being expelled. And I noticed that Neville was happy about Herbology. Last year, Herbology was Neville's best subject. I think he was wanting to keep his streak alive. 

"I just hope that Herbology isn't all that bad this year." Ryan said. 

"You didn't like Herbology?" Harry asked.

"Not really. I'm just not as passionate or as good at it like I am with Potions and Charms, and Transfigurations. And Flying." Ryan answered. 

"So... Ryan? You think you might try out for the Quidditch Team this year?" Neville asked.

"How did you-" Ryan was going to say. 

"Your head perked up when Dumbledore made the announcement on Quidditch Tryouts." Neville noted.

"Yeah. But now I don't know. I don't want to mess anything up." Ryan looked down. "Emily seems to think I'll make a fool out of myself. I'm going to prove her wrong though." 

"What position?" Harry asked. 

"Beater." Ryan answered.

Harry nodded. "Well... we could use that position in case Fred and George do something... again." 

"Careful though. Wood's a tough man to impress." Ron warned. 

Ryan swallowed. "Thanks for that all time high confidence booster." He muttered. As we all stepped into the Green House. 

"Good Moring everyone." We turned to see Professor Sprout, the Head of Hufflepuff House. She was a little witch with large amounts of dirt under her clothes and her finger nails. 

"Good Morning, Professor Sprout." We all greeted back. 

"Welcome to Greenhouse Three. Gather around, everyone. We will be repotting Mandrakes today." Sprout informed. "Now who can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" 

I stood next to Hermione and Neville on one side. And I saw Hermione's hand rise through the air. "Mandrake or Mandragora is used to return those who have been Petrified to their original state." Hermione answered like she had eaten a textbook. Wouldn't surprise me if she did though.

"Excellent. Ten points to Gryffindor." Sprout replied.

"Yes." I said to myself.

"The Mandrake forms an essential antidotes. It's also quite dangerous. Can anyone tell me why?" Sprout asked. 

Hermione is about to raise her arm in the air again. But she accidentally whacks me. "Oh. Sorry, Kassie." She said to me. 

But Neville is the one who gets his hand in the air. "Because the Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it." He answered.

"Well done. Mr. Longbottom. Ten More Points to Gryffindor." Sprout praised. 

Hermione gave a thumbs up to Neville. 

"As our Mandrakes are still only seedlings their cries won't kill you yet. They are still powerful enough to knock you out for hours. And I don't think anyone wants to miss their first day back. Which is why I have given you each of a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection." Sprout instructed. "Now please put them on. And no... you cannot use Jelly Slugs as a substitute. Like Nymphadora Tonks did."

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