Chapter 27: Messages unread

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I had to look at my face the next morning.

I stood in the bathroom at 7 am.

In front of the same old mirror.

Was it really that pretty?

The bathroom window was opened.

My mom sat in her armchair on the porch and listened to soft summer music out of an old stereo she has kept for decades.

You already knew it was going to be a good day if she did that.

Instead of further exploring my facial features, I focused on what hid parts of them.

My hair.

I had my dad's hair.


Spiky and messy.

I don't remember ever really combing it.

Except when my mom told me to before family gatherings.

It had gotten longer.

So much longer that if I tilted my head it covered the upper half of my eyes.

I wondered if Linda thought my hair was pretty.

I brushed my teeth.

Got my bag.

Linda was probably still at home and asleep.

She told me her first two lessons had been cancelled.

I yawned.

Slept for about five hours, I think.

My mom probably didn't hear me coming back late.

She didn't really ask where I was last evening, either.

I texted Linda if she thought my hair was pretty.

And left for school.


I saw Linda there for a moment.

She hugged me.

Slightly on her tiptoes.

With her soft cheek next to mine.

She eradicated the school's stale stench softly from my nose.

And told me I should remind her that she wanted to talk to me about something later.

Hurried on to her next class.

Apparently, we weren't repressing anymore.

Apparently, we stopped taking a break.

I wanted to kiss her.

In my mind, I was still going through her hair with my hands.

Her hair was so pretty.

Especially now that it was shorter.

It had the superpower of looking brown without sunlight.

And glowing in bright shades of orange within it.

I always had only four lessons on Tuesdays.

So I had time to spare before going to the library.

I got excited.

Thinking about Pedro and Merlin.

The time left before my shift started went by as if it was seconds at most.


After entering the library, I went to the reception to put away my bag and jacket.

Said "Hello" to Nancy who was weirdly busy as always.

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