𝐯𝐢.Terrible Life Choices

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May, 1927

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May, 1927


   Julie stares at Circe with her eyes wide, having listened to her talk about Holden for the past half hour.

   "I thought hearing that you're working with the Head Auror is the craziest thing I've heard in a while, but ... you're really overdoing yourself right now. Holden, seriously? You broke up half a year ago! Clearly, something didn't work even after three years of dating, so what are you—"

   "Merlin, Julie, calm down." Circe shakes her head at her friend. "We're just friends," she says confidently. "There's nothing happening between me and Holden. You forget that he's still very much living in Paris while my entire life is in London. And long-distance is exactly what made our relationship end."

   Julie narrows her eyes at the black-haired witch. "You promise?"

   "I promise," Circe chuckles, finding it adorable that Julie worries for her so much. They sit together in a booth at a tea shop in Diagon Alley, because Circe is on break from working at The Chemist. "He's now trying to help a bit with finding information about acolytes to get my family out of Azkaban, too."

   "You are really just collecting those Aurors like Newt Scamander collects his magical creatures, aren't you?"

   "Oh, shut up." Circe shakes her head, which results in Julie laughing. "Why don't you tell me how you're doing instead? Since you seem to have a problem with everything I am doing."

   Julie bites the inside of her cheek, shrugging. "Well, not much has been happening. I just saw a bunch of quidditch matches, wrote articles about them and got about my days. It's been pretty boring," she explains, sighing. "But Gwyn finally agreed to move in with me instead of living in that atrocious small flat that she lives in."

   "Oh, that's good! You've been offering her that for ages!" Circe exclaims, smiling delightedly. "Have you told her that you fancy her, too?"

   "What? Are you mental?" Julie knits her eyebrows together, shaking her head vigorously. "She would never agree to live with me if she knew that I have feelings for her ..."

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