𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢.New York

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November, 1929

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November, 1929


   Tina exclaims as she greets Circe with a warm hug, welcoming her to the MACUSA headquarters in Woolworth Building, New York. Normally, she would've gone to pick Circe up at the dock, but her work got in the way and she didn't have the opportunity to break away.

   It was only when Circe made her way to MACUSA and specifically requested to see Tina Goldstein at the reception that the American Auror could leave her desk and tedious paperwork.

   "Thank you," says Circe, hugging the woman back.

   They haven't seen each other in months, merely corresponding through letters over the Atlantic. Now with Circe as an Auror, she's been quite busy, too. As it turns out, there are more dark wizards out there than just Grindelwald and his followers. Which should've been obvious, to be fair, but they seemed so insignificant when they barely affected Circe's life, unlike Grindelwald.

   It's crazy how many wizards who sell illegal potions, poisons or stolen goods there are, and how many of them Circe has had to duel.

   Then there was a certain Nicholas Ardeur, a poacher of magical creatures known to kill them and sell their parts to collectors. Circe found him within a week of taking on his case, simply because she could hear Newt's voice in her head, urging her to stop this man.

   Basically, Circe has learnt that there is so much more to Auror work than just tracking acolytes and Grindelwald, and working toward their capture.

   When the two witches pull away, Tina looks past Circe, searching for somebody else.

   "If you're expecting Newt, he's not with me," says the Dalton witch, pressing her lips together. "He's been travelling a lot these past two years now that his ban was lifted. I'm not even sure where he is. I think my last letter from him came from India."

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