𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢.Ministère des Affaires Magiques

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September, 1927

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September, 1927


   She entered the French Ministry of Magic as soon as possible after she witnessed the calling for all of Grindelwald's followers. However, she doesn't know where they'll be meeting, which is perhaps the biggest issue alongside the fact that she's going to have to get a hold of Holden right this instance.

   "Bienvenue au Ministère des Affaires Magiques," says the woman behind the counter, smiling at Circe pleasantly, because it's her job.

   Circe smiles back at her with just as much lack of enthusiasm. "Bonjour, hi, good afternoon," she greets her several times within a span of five seconds. "My name is Circe Dalton, and I am, er, looking for Holden Gallagher, please, he's, er, he's an Auror who works for the French Ministry of Magic at the moment."

   "A moment, please." The woman nods. She raises her hand, the book underneath her flipping its pages as she searches for Holden in her list of people at the Ministry. "Ah yes, Holden Gallagher. Why do you need him?"

   "I need to speak to him. It's quite urgent," says Circe, tapping her fingers on the top of the counter. She chews on her bottom lip, and the woman across form her nods.

   "He is in a meeting with the other Aurors. He's busy at the moment, I'm afraid." The woman shakes her head.

   "That's quite alright," Circe inhales sharply. "If you could send for him, so he finds me immediately after? That would be lovely and immensely helpful," she says, smiling at the receptionist hopefully.

   "Très bien." The woman nods. "I will send for Mr Gallagher, and you wait on the side here, please," she tells Circe.

   "Thank you very much. Merci."

   Circe does as she's told, stepping to the side, so the woman can attend to the other people who need help. She watches her write a message onto a paper, which then folds into a bird and flies away, just like Circe's used to in the British Ministry of Magic.

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