𝐯𝐢𝐢.The Importance of Family

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May, 1927

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May, 1927


   Circe would dare say it's almost tangible, and she could cut it with a knife like an ingredient for a potion that could possibly counter it.

   Honestly, Circe didn't even know what she expected of this. When Theseus came to her and asked if he could talk to the rest of her family — specifically her younger sister, older brother and mother — she didn't think it would feel as awful as it does right now with all of them sitting at one table in Dalton Manor.

   Not only are they in a house filled with many childhood memories (and it's not like a lot of them aren't good, but most of them are BAD in capital letters) that Circe doesn't always like to think of, but they're also in the house that is owned by the Dalton brothers. The four men who are currently locked up in Azkaban, all thanks to the very man sitting next to Circe — Theseus.

   The witch turns to him, smiling thinly. She tries to offer some amount of comfort as the Head Auror glances between Scylla, Perse and Aera Dalton who sit across from them. He chews on his bottom lip, unsure of what he should say.

   Admittedly, Theseus did enter the manor with the intent of apologising, and he even prepared a speech, since it was much easier to put his mind into something he could control rather than the failure to find acolytes or the fact that he got out of a relationship that never would've have worked anyway. Or the fact that Travers isn't willing to listen to anything Theseus has to offer, because he is "too young" to be making difficult decisions and because he's "his inferior" as the Head Auror. (Which is all just dragon dung, because Theseus' ideas for solutions are simply not as radical as his, when it comes to stopping Grindelwald's supporters.)

   "Why did you bring him here?" questions Scylla, not hiding her disdain for the Scamander wizard. "Are you bloody mental, Circe? Our family is suffering because of this arse, and you think it's a good idea to bring him here? Is this a joke? Do you think it's funny?"

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