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Sunghoon and I finish our meal and wait for the boy to come back with our receipt. He soon came back and handed me the receipt. "Thank you for coming. Hope to see you again soon." "I hope so too," I said and winked at him. He gave me a nervous smile and went to the back. "He probably likes you," Sunghoon said. I 'hm' in response. We stop by a store on our way back. Not to buy anything, but to see one of our friends who works at the store. We walk inside. "Hey, guys! What're you doing here?" Jake askes. I shrugged. "We came to see you." Since he just got on his break, we were able to talk and catch up. 

"So, enough about me, what's up with you guys?" "We just came from the restaurant down the street," I say. "Yeah, and it was good as always," Sunghoon said, sounding satisfied. "And our waiter. Jake, you should have smelled him. It was so.... different. Magical or whatever." I hit Sunghoon, hard, on the shoulder. "Really?? Did you...? Jake asked. "No, we did not," I said trying to sound unamused. "We should leave him alone. I'm sure we only reacted like that because we haven't had human blood in a while. "Oh, please Jay, you should have seen the way you were looking at him." I glare at Sunghoon "Let's just drop it." I say through my teeth.

Sunghoon walked out the door before me. I turn to Jake and say "I just thought I'd let you know. Sunghoon likes you." I leave Jake standing there, wide-eyed. "Let's go," I say to Sunghoon.

Sunghoon and I parted ways as we went back home. I live deeper in the forest. I walk inside and see Heeseung practicing some dance moves. "I'm back." "Oh. Hey." He said and went back to his dancing. I go to my room and close the door behind me. I lay on my bed and close my eyes. I think about the boy at the restaurant. His visuals weren't the thing on my mind. It was his blood. Ugh, what I would do to have it right now. I shake my head. "Get yourself together," I say to myself out loud.

His blood though. It smelled so sweet. He must taste amazing. If I had him, I probably wouldn't need to get blood from anyone else. He would satisfy me. In more ways than others. The thought of it made me thirsty. I bite my arm and taste the blood from it. Then I hear my phone ding. I wipe my mouth and see it's a text from Sunghoon. It's an invitation to a party this Saturday. (Tomorrow) 

                                                                                   You're Invited!
                                                                        ⋐⋑⋐⋑ Host: K ⋐⋑⋐⋑

                                                                 ⋐⋑⋐⋑ Where: Dazed Club ⋐⋑⋐⋑

                                                           ⋐⋑⋐⋑ When: This Saturday at 8:00 ⋐⋑⋐⋑

                                                                 ⋐⋑⋐⋑ Theme: Vampire ⋐⋑⋐⋑

                                                     ⋐⋑⋐⋑ Join me for a bloody night of fun ⋐⋑⋐⋑

                                                                  ⋐⋑⋐⋑ Bring your friends! ⋐⋑⋐⋑

"K just sent it. So are you coming or not?" Sunghoon said. He called me. "Why would I?" I could feel Sunghoon roll his eyes on the other side. "Because you need to get out more. Maybe you could find yourself a boyfriend." Now I roll my eyes. "I don't need a boyfriend, Sunghoon. But I'll come anyway." I hang up the phone and turn on my side. Maybe that Jungwon boy will be there. He didn't seem like the person to...

Jungwon's Pov:

"Hey! Sunoo!" I yell as I catch up to Sunoo. "Hey, Jungwon! How are you?" "Fine." We walk inside the school. Girls were squealing and everything as we walked in. We're used to it. A girl comes up to me and Sunoo. "H-hi. I bought you guys some chocolate." She said and handed it to each other us. Sunoo and I looked at each other. I sniffed it. "What are you doing?" Sunoo asked "Making sure it isn't poisoned." Sunoo nodded. We walk to our first class and sit at our assigned desks. Across the room from each other.

Time Skip (Lunch)

Sunoo and I walk to lunch together. We get in line, get our food, and sit down. We've been sitting for 2 minutes when Ni-Ki comes over to our table. "How come you guys never wait for me?" Ni-Ki pouted. Sunoo and I laughed. "Nothing personal, bae. You just take longer." Sunoo said and patted Ni-Ki on the back. "You want to come with Sunoo and me to the movies tomorrow?" "What time?" "3:00" I shake my head. "Sorry. I can't. I have to work then from 3-6." They nodded, understanding. The bell rings and we go to our last classes, which none of us share.

After class, I hurry out to catch up with Sunki. We always walk home together since we live a block away from each other. We take a long way. My house is on the first block. "See you guys tomorrow," I say and wave. "See Ya Jungwon," Ni-Ki said. "Be careful," Sunoo said and gave me a meaningful look. I sadly nod. I walk inside. "I'm home," I said and closed the door. "Well, it's about time baby boy." Darn, he's here.

"I was getting worried," Howon said as he walked closer. He brushed my face with his hand. I flinched back. "I-I have homework to do." I attempt to push past Howon. I fail. He grabs my wrist and stops me. "Sure you do. But I have some steam to blow off."


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                                                                                        21 (vampire age ???)



                                                                              Loves dogs 

                                                            Friends with Jay and Sunghoon

                        Just for clarification, K is not a vampire. He is friends with Sunghoon and Jay

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