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"Need some help baby boy?" Jay asks, sending chills down my spine. I don't know why, but he just makes me feel some type of way. And I think I like it. He doesn't wait for my answer as he starts scrubbing my back with a back scrubber that came out of nowhere. (LMAO)

He slowly stops and I feel his lips attach to my neck. He began giving me butterfly kisses all over my neck until I start to moan at a specific spot. He continues to lick and kiss that area. The warm water still going down my body made the moment even more arousing. His hands rub up and down my side. Then I hear Jay groan. I didn't ask him why. His kisses become harsher as he began to suck on my skin. I try to get him off of me, but his arms and hands had suddenly wrapped tightly around my waist. 

Then a sharp pain goes through my body. He was biting me. It felt like knives were going through my skin, but I wasn't dying. My brows furrow together, and my lips form a thin line as I try not to scream in pure agony. I started to feel weak in my legs, and Jay noticed. He held onto me tighter, so I didn't fall and so he could continue. But that didn't stop me from passing out.

Jay's POV

I realized Jungwon had passed out when his breathing slowed way down. I don't know if it was from fear or pain. Either way, I pull my fangs out of him and lick the remaining blood that was on his neck away. I take Jungwon out of the shower, bridal style, and noticed he didn't bring any clothes. I go to my room, place Jungwon on the bed, and went to the closet. I pulled out Jungwon's suitcase and pulled out another pair of clothes. I turn and Jungwon is still laying there. I slowly and quietly put the clothes on him. I also put the choker back on him.

A few hours later (Back to Jungwon)

I wake up, but I don't open my eyes. I know Jay is there and I don't want him to know I'm awake. "I know you're awake." Damn. I carefully open my eyes and he is already looking down at me. His hair was soaking wet, but he had his clothes on. "You're finally awake kitten." I always get tingles when he calls me that. He got close to my face and gave me a kiss on the lips. "I was starting to worry." Even though what happen....just happened, I wanted to kiss his soft lips more. I was feeling hard looking at him and remembering what just happened. He notices or better yet, read my thoughts. He is about to kiss me again when, just then, his phone rings. I study his face as he expression turns into a serious one. He walks out the room, leaving me to sit.

Ni-Ki's POV (Ngl I almost forgot about Sunki 😑)

Sunoo quickly pushed me off of him when he heard his phone ringing. He looked at the caller ID, and I knew he was hoping it was Jungwon. But it wasn't. It was a spam caller. He sighs and looks at me, now that I'm sitting next to him, and not on top of him. "Ni-Ki, its been almost a week," Sunoo worries (I also lost tracked of how long Jungwon's been gone🚶‍♀️) "And he isn't back." "Sunoo bae, please stop worrying." He folds his arms. "How can you tell me not to worry? My best friend is missing." I wrap my arms around his waist. "He's fine, Sunoo." Sunoo frowns. 'How do you know?" I shrug. "I just do."

"I can't keep going to sleep at night knowing he's out there. I'm calling the police." Sunoo says and grabs his phone. I quickly grab it from him. "No!" He looks at me confused, but also suspicoulsy. "Um, aren't you supposed to wait for longer than a week to call about a missing person?" I ask, with a sheepish smile. "Yeah...you're right. But why did you jump like that?"

"Because, I didn't want you to get in trouble with the police. For disturbing them, you know." I sounded like a fool, and that's how Sunoo was looking at me. "Don't look at me like that." "You're acting weird." "Am not!" I say and pout. Sunoo serious face turns into a small smile. He pinches my cheeks, though that's something I usually do to him. But I could tell by his eyes, he now wasn't so sure of me anymore. And his smile wasn't his usual glowing smile. It was more like I'm on to you, Ni-Ki smile. Well I'm f*cked.

I take out my phone and look at my texts. "My mom says to come home. I'll seen you soon." I tell him, and kiss him on the lips. Sunoo walks with me to the door and waves goodbye. I walk up our front stairs and open the door with my key. "Oh, hello, Ni-Ki. I wasn't expecting you. Spent the night with Sunoo?" My mom asked. I nod and hurry to my room. Yeah, I lied about my mom texting me, just so I could get out of there without be anymore suspicious.

I get inside, close and lock my door, and quickly dial in a number. "Hello?" "Hey si- um, Jay. We may have a problem." I could feel Jay getting angry over the phone. "What do you mean, problem?" "Well, Sunoo was going to call the police and I may have overreacted about it. I think he thinks I have something to do with it." Jay doesn't say anything for a minute, which made me very nervous. Finally, he lets out a huff sound. "Whatever you do, keep him away from the forest, okay? If you have any more issues you better tell me." "Yes of course, Jay. Is....Jungwon okay?" 

Silence again. "I hope you didn't do anything to-" "He's fine. Stubborn and whatever, but he's fine." Jay says and hangs up. I sigh and throw my phone on the bed, and then myself. It's not easy to tell how Jay is feeling just by looking at him or hearing his voice, but today, I can. He's not upset...

He's scared.

Sorry for any grammatical or punctuation or whatever mistakes I made, if I did. My ✨Grammerly✨ broke

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