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Sunoo's POV

I wasn't entirely sure about Ni-Ki yet, but I decided to keep that to myself. The school day ended, and Ni-Ki and I went our separate ways. Whether Ni-Ki was hiding something or not, I was still going to investigate. I walk out of the school and begin walking toward the town. I have everything I need in my backpack, hopefully. I walk past a few stores and apartments and of course people. I passed by Jungwon's job. As I do, I catch a glimpse of a blond hair guy with thick eyebrows staring at me from the inside.

I think nothing of it and keep walking. I pull out my phone from my bag and click on Jungwon's number. I don't know why, but I always hope that one day he'll call or text or something. But it's never happened. I place my phone back in my bag as I continue walking. For some reason, I feel the need to look behind me. So, I do. It's the blond hair boy again. His back is against the wall and he's still watching me. Okay...

Finally, I make it to the children's park. The park is right next to the woods but is blocked by a fence. Which doesn't really make a difference if a vampire wanted to get in and take one or two kids. This should be considered a safety hazard. I walk around the fence and I'm right in front of the "entrance" into the woods. 

I feel a someone's burning gaze on me. I turn around and the blond hair dude again! He was sitting down at one of the benches, but he wasn't looking at me. Why in the world is he following me? I slowly turn back around, and he's right in front of me. I jumped back since I'm surprised. W-what?! What are you-?" He grabs me by the arm and pulls me close to him. "Listen...Sunoo. It'll never work. Whatever you're thinking about doing, it's better if it just stays a thought. For your own good, and...others." He says, cautiously. What? "Who even are you?!" He let's go of my arm and stares deep into my eyes.

The fact that he never blinked was concerning. Suddenly, I feel light headed. I fall to the ground but I'm still conscious. "I don't think you want to know." He says in a low voice, that made me more creeped out.

Jungwon's POV

I woke up in a dimly lit, cold room. I don't know if room is the right word, since, from what I can see, is a table with a few things on it, a very dirty looking floor, and a few poles. One that I'm tied to. This is probably a basement. My head is hurting really bad. It felt like someone was pounding on my head. I don't know what Jay did, but I wish the pain would go away. I wiggled my hands trying to do something, which causes a clanging noise to echo throughout the place. My legs weren't tied, but it's not like that helps anything.

Then, I hear light footsteps above, moving about to different spots. Yeah, this is definitely the basement. I stop moving. Now the footsteps sound like they're getting closer. I knew it had to be Jay, but I was still scared. The door opens and a light flows through. It turn my face as I hear Jay close the door and coming down the stairs. I close my eyes and I hear a light flicker on. Jay moves around the room before he comes up to me.

He harshly turns my face towards him. "Open your eyes." He said in a very dominant voice. I slowly open my eyes, to his dark eyes staring right into my soul. Even with the light on, the room was still poorly lit. "You're finally awake." He rubs his fingers through my hair harshly, making my head hit the pole. Our faces were inches a part, and I was trying my best not to look away. Specifically, to his lips. It's strange knowing what he his, how crazy he is, and what I'm here for, for some reason.

I still want him...

He takes his other hand and glides his thumb against my lips, and I unintentionally part my lips. He smirks and brings his face right in front of mine. His tongue licks my lips. I thought he was going to kiss me so I slightly move my face forward. But he moves to my ear and kisses it. "Not this time, kitten. You don't deserve it." I frown

If we're being honest, I don't deserve any of what's happening to me. I should be home, hanging out with my friends. But I'm here, being punished for trying to escape from this nightmare I live. "Now, in order for this to work, I need your cooperation." I squint my eyes at him, but I don't think he notices. "It's nothing hard. All I need you to do, is stay still." He says freely. I don't know what I was thinking, but after he says that, I automatically start moving around. He didn't look surprised though, like he expected me to do that. And I thought I was doing something.

Then a loud ringing noise echoes through the basement. Normally, I would cover my ears, but I couldn't. My hands were tied. I began moving my head rapidly, trying to find a spot that didn't exist to make the ringing sound not so loud. I then found it. But it wasn't that I found a spot, the ringing just stop abruptly. Now, I have a huge headache again. I groan and stomp my feet on the ground, hoping it would stop the pain somehow. Which again, didn't work.

Then I suddenly felt weak. I couldn't move, like something was holding me down. The only thing that I could move freely were my eyes. "That's better." He says confidently. "Now we can get to work." I watch Jay as he paces around the pole I was tied to, like his trying to figure out something. He stops and kneels down. "I'm going to look inside you. I'm going to look inside that sweet head of yours, see what's going on, maybe understand you a little better, ok?" I couldn't even make an expression. "I promise it won't hurt." 




Oooooooo update back to back. Bet you weren't expecting that! 💫

Okay bye-

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