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Jay left the room after that. I was still tied up. Did my feelings change? I mean, I barely knew him before and I was drawn to him. What about now? I know he's a vampire, but that's about it. That's enough! I close my eyes since I couldn't do anything else. I wonder how long I have to stay here. 

Jay's POV

I close the room door as I walk out. I of course kept him tied up, just so he wouldn't get any ideas. I go outside and sit on our stairs. I watch the trees blow in the wind, and the birds fly by. "Hey, Jay!" I look over and see Sunghoon. Now was not the time I wanted to see him. "What you doing sitting here. Why don't we go inside?" Sunghoon asked and went to open the door. "No!" I yell and grab his hand. He looks at me side-eyed. "Uh. I accidentally burned something, so I'm waiting for it to air out in there, I say. Hoping he would believe me. "If so, why don't you have the windows open?" I look. They weren't open. "How about we go for a walk," I suggest and start moving.

"What are you hiding, Jay?" Sunghoon asked. "Nothing. Let's just walk." And he didn't say any more. We walked to the lake that was in the forest and sat down there. "So, Heeseung's gone?" "Yeah, how'd you know?" Sunghoon laughed. "You wouldn't have burned anything if he was there." I glare at him. "I can cook too, you know." We don't say anymore after that, which I was totally fine with. I didn't know if I should what I did or not. I don't know how he would react. Will he be confused? Upset? Try to take him for himself? "What are you thinking about?" Sunghoon asked. "Nothing."

Sunghoon goes wherever he goes, and I go back home. I walk inside and go to see Jungwon. I walk into the room, and there he was, sleeping peacefully. I quietly walk closer to him and lay down next to him. I watch him for a while, then decide to go to sleep myself. 

Hours later

I wake up and I see Jungwon's eyes wide open. I sit up and stretch. "I'm hungry." He looks over at me. I frown. "That's not how you ask." "So, if I don't ask right, are you going to let me starve?" He asks, roughly. "I just might," I say and get off the bed. I'm about to walk out of the room, "Wait. Can I have something to eat?.... Please." I smirk. "That's better, kitten." He blushed and turns away.

After a few minutes, the ramen I was making is finally done. I put each of our shares into two bowls. I walk inside with a tray and place it on the bed. "I made ramen," I say and he nods. I blow on my noodles and then put them in my mouth. I do that three times when Jungwon clears his throat. I look over at him, irritably. "What is it?" "I'm still tied up. How do you expect me to eat?" I roll my eyes and place my bowl on the nightstand. I pick up his bowl, blow on the noodles, and lift the chopsticks to his mouth. "I can feed myself." "Tied up? Because I'm not untying you yet. So either you open your mouth, or starve the rest of the day." 

Reluctantly, Jungwon opened his mouth, and I shoved the food in. I scarped the bowl for the last few noodles and gave them to Jungwon. I was getting ready to take the bowls the kitchen when Jungwon stopped me. "I drink the soup part." I sigh and place the bowl to his mouth, then slowly tip it so he could drink it. When I saw he was done, I pull the bowl away. The soup was dripping from his mouth. "Ugh. Seriously." "Well, if you had me untied." I walk out, get some wipes, and come back.

I get on the bed to wipe his face, but he turns his head. "What's wrong with you?" I ask, annoyed. He doesn't respond. I grab his head and turn it back to me. I begin wiping his face as I continue to hold his face. He just stares at me. After I finish, I get up and was getting ready to leave him again. "Wait!" He says. I groan. "What is it now?" "I have to use the bathroom." I stand at the door thinking. "Fine." I untie him and let him use Heeseung's bathroom. 

Jungwon's POV

I walk past Jay to the bathroom and close the door. I lift the toilet sit, to make it seem like I had to use it, then I look around the bathroom. There has to be something in here I can use to escape. There obviously wouldn't be anything in here that would kill a vampire. Or I thought. I opened the mirror and I saw a pocketknife. This will do. I put it in my pocket and flush the toilet. Then I wash my hands and walk out. Jay was waiting for me. He walked over to the bed and got the ties ready again, so his back was turned to me. This is my chance. I pull the knife out of my pocket. "Let me go," I say. Jay turns around and looks down at the knife in my hand.

He looks back at me with a smirk. "You know you wouldn't." "Let me go, now." Jay just stands there, and so do I, shaking. He walks closer and I take a step back, even though I'm the one with the weapon. "Put it down, Jungwon." He says, eyes fixed on mine. "Stay away from me!" I yell and get ready to stab him. But I don't, because I couldn't. His hand was stopping me. He takes the knife out of my hand and pushes me on the bed with ease.  

"Do you know what people do, when their pets our disobedient?" He asks, as he held the knife in his hand. I watch him carefully as he plays with it in his hands. "They give them a punishment."

"And I think that's exactly what you need."

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