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"So, you guys came here every summer?" Ni-Ki asks as he looks around the woods as we drive down a dirt path. I nod. "When his mom died, and his dad remarried, he was really depressed, so he disappeared a lot. But we always found him here." We are driving to a camping ground near a huge lake in the woods. I stop the car quickly as we make it to the spot and Ni-Ki jerks forward. I know Ni-Ki was glaring at me, but I didn't acknowledge it. I hop out of the car and look around. I didn't see him. "Hurry up! We have to look around!" I tell Ni-Ki and he gets out of the car.

We walked up a trail that led up a hill. "Maybe he's up here," I say. Ni-Ki follows behind me. We make it to the top of the hill, and you could see over the whole campground and lake and pretty much the whole forest. It was a beautiful sight that I haven't seen in a while, but no Jungwon. I sigh and walk past Ni-Ki to get back down the hill. We reach the bottom and I look around one more time. "This doesn't make any sense. Where could he be?" I ask, but not really expecting an answer. "Let's just get back in the car."

I open the car door and Ni-Ki does the same. I place my hands and the steering wheel and place my head down on it as well. Ni-Ki stays silent. "It's all my fault he's gone. I should have gone with him. Or told him to wait until the next day and then he would have been alright. Ugh! I'm so stupid!" I yell at myself and hit my head on the wheel. Ni-Ki placed his hand between the wheel and my head to stop me from doing it again. "Don't say that Sunoo," He says, softly. I look over at him and he grabs my face with both his hands. "He's alright. Don't be mad at yourself. You didn't know. We'll find him soon." And with that, he presses his lips softly against mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck and move closer to him to deepen the kiss. I immediately feel better. I love to feel his soft lips against mine. He slowly pulls away, our lips still close to each other, and looks me right in the eyes. "Maybe we should take this back home." And I see a smirk form on his lips. I quickly turn on the car and drives us out of there.

Jungwon's POV

I'm still tied to this bed and naked. But I am more worried about Sunoo than my current state. I hope he's not worried about me too much. I should have waited until morning to get my things, then I wouldn't be here. I hear the doorknob on the door jiggle and open revealing a shirtless Jay. I quickly avert my eyes to the other side of them. I hear Jay chuckle and walk closer to me. "I have you been a good boy since I've been gone?" He asks. Is that even a question? "I think I have. Aside from breaking a few items and trying to escape out the window. Other than that, I'm good." Jay rolls his eyes at my sarcasm. "Very funny. How about we get your clothes back on?" I didn't answer because I didn't know if that was really a question.

He already has some clothes in his hand from somewhere. They looked like my clothes. At first, I thought he was going to put them on for me, but then he unties me. He hands me the clothes, "Here. I'm sure you won't try anything for a while." He was right. Maybe. I take the white sweatshirt from his hand and attempt to put it over my head, but I fail. My wrists were hurting from the ties and they were red from me trying to escape. I didn't want Jay to help me so I try again. "Ow.." I say. Jay shakes his head. "Even when you're free, you're weak," and puts the shirt over my head. Then he does the same with the sweatpants. "Where were you?" I ask, trying to make conversation since I was feeling a bit awkward with him.

I know that doesn't make any sense, since, well, you know. "I went for a run," He said smoothly. I was expecting him to say something sarcastic or not answer at all. I nod and we were silent again. He went out into the kitchen and came back with an ice pack. I haven't moved. He grabs my wrist, gently and places the ice packs on them. "Make sure they stay," He says. Then he goes into the bathroom and comes back with an elastic bandage. "When it gets too cold for you, you can wrap this around it. You'll still be able to use your hand," He explains calmly. 

I looked at him surprised. Was he really taking care of me? Does he really care? I didn't question his actions out loud but just watched him take the extra elastic bandage back to the bathroom. "You can come out of the room when you're ready," he tells me and walks out of the room. I sit still on the bed. I'm happy I'm not tied to the bed anymore, but I'm sure I want to go out of this room. Then again, I can't stay in here forever. I slowly stand up, like I haven't done it in ages, and walk to the door. I peek out the door, looking both ways, but I don't see Jay. 

I take one step out. Then other. I don't know why this is so hard for me. Maybe because I don't trust him fully yet. I walk down the narrow hallway and peek around the corner. Still, no sign of Jay. Did he leave? That fast? I plop down on the couch. It was nice and comfy, as the bed I was in, except I'm not tied to this. I don't turn on the tv, I didn't want that to be an excuse for Jay to tie me back up again. I lay there in silence. It was nice, but then again, creepy. Where did he go? 

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