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Ni-Ki's POV

Something didn't sit right with me once Sunoo and I parted ways after school. I was still feeling disbelief radiating from him. Once I got home, I went to my room. I lay there for a few minutes. I wanted to go to sleep, but I was too unsettled. I lied to him. Again. I don't even know if he believes me, but either way, I feel horrible. Even though I thought about calling him, my eyes were starting to get heavier. I was feeling tired. Just as I close my eyes, a pain stings my heart. I sit up quickly in my bed. Sunoo was in trouble. 

I ran and ran, following his scent, and I didn't like where it was leading. I can tell when someone I love is in trouble. It's one of my powers. I wish I could tell what they're feeling all the time. As I run through, I realize why Sunoo is here. He's here to try and save Jungwon. But how'd he know he would be here of all places? Then I remember I told him where vampires usually hang out. I still don't know why I told him that, and it was years ago, but he remembered. I heard a plea in the distance. Sunoo! I see someone is on top of him, ready to sink his teeth in. By the blond hair, I could tell it was Sunghoon. Of course, it was. Sunghoon is always there to protect Jay and vice versa. 

If they do that for each other, then I don't see what the problem is with me protecting my friends. I go over and kicked Sunghoon harshly off of Sunoo. Sunoo looks up at me, surprise to see me here. "Go Sunoo! Just run!" I yell at him, and he hurries as fast as he can away. I watch Sunoo run. For some reason, I still felt like I was doing something wrong. Like I should have stopped Sunoo instead of letting him go. I look down, Sunghoon grunts as he holds his side. I walk a few inches toward him, and he looks up at me. "What are you doing?! Why are you letting him *grunt* go?!" He asks, his eyes burning with anger. 

He attempts to get up, but the pain in his side seems to dominate, causing him to fall back to his knees. I didn't mean to kick him that hard. I feel another sting in my heart. "We agreed that neither Jungwon nor Sunoo would get hurt. And you were about to bite him, probably even drain him!" I say, standing over him. He looked up at me briefly. "Who was there when your dad left? Who was there to teach you how to live amongst the humans and keep your identity a secret? Who was the one you could always come to if you need help? Jay. And you're going to betray him like this?" I blink. Like I said earlier, something didn't feel right. How can I be doing the right thing and the wrong thing at the same time?

Sunghoon grunts some more as he steadies himself against a tree. My mind was divided. Sunghoon was right. Jay was always there for me. But then again, Jungwon is Sunoo's best friend and he's the love of my life. I helped take Jungwon away from him. Is it not right for me to help get him back? I rub my fingers threw my hair, frustrated. I hear Sunghoon chuckle, and I look over at him. "What's so funny?" He grins and shakes his head, not looking at me. "Just thinking of what Jay might be doing to your Sunoo right now."

I swallowed hard. How could I be so stupid? Sunoo won't stand a chance against Jay and who knows how Jungwon is right now? I take a deep breath, getting ready to tell Sunghoon to wait here like he was going anywhere right now when I hear a scream. We both turn towards the direction it came from. The house, of course. I couldn't tell whose scream it was, but it didn't matter. Three people I care about are in there, and one of them is hurt.

Sunoo's POV

I stared at the guy. I saw his eyes move to the side of me and the back to my face. I had the stake in my hand once again. Luckily, when it flew somewhere, it happened to land in the direction of the house, so I picked it up on my way. I lifted it up and pointed it at him. I slowly walked down the stairs, the guy didn't move any inch. When didn't look fazed by me, I ran down the stairs straight towards him, knocking him into a wall. His face showed a pained look. "You monster!! You took my friend away, and did who knows what to him! I won't let you get away with this, not you or your friend." I moved swiftly to stab him, but vampires are quick. He pushes me away from him and I fall flat on my back. 

He looked angry. He was probably about to break me in two. I still didn't hear or see Jungwon anywhere. If he's dead, it's best I die too. I wouldn't be able to live with myself, knowing I failed to save him. I closed my eyes tightly, ready to feel the pain and accept my fate. But I don't feel anything. I squint my eyes open. He was standing there. He didn't have a frown on his face anymore. He had actually stepped away from me. What's with him?

Jay's POV 

Jungwon had a look of fear on his face. Someone was in the house. But how? And more importantly, who? I untie Jungwon. I hurry over to the other side of the room, quietly as possible, and motion Jungwon to follow. "You can hide under here," I say, lifting up a tablecloth. He crawls under and I pull it back down, but he pulls it back up. "B-but what about you?" He asks, and he blinks rapidly, as if holding back tears. "I'll be fine. I tell you when you can come back out." He slowly nods and puts the cover back down. I walk over to the bottom of the stairs, just as someone burst the door open. I look up and it was Sunoo. I was absolutely shocked to see him here of all people.

How'd he even get here? He was pointing a stake right at me. He inched down the stairs towards me, but I didn't move. I'm not scared of him. He then ran down the stairs and pushed me, my back hit the hard stone wall. I groan at the sudden pain. "You monster!! You took my friend away, and did who knows what to him! I won't let you get away with this, not you or your friend." Sunoo exclaims. He moves to stab me, but I moved too quickly for him. I push him with harsh force, and he lands flat on his back. How dare he come into my house, uninvited, and try to pull something so stupid. 

I could see fear in his eyes until he closed them. I would hate to know what I would have done to the kid if Jungwon didn't stop me. I could hear him silently pleading for me not to hurt Sunoo. Sunoo couldn't hear it because it wasn't audible, I felt it in my heart. I didn't want to cause Jungwon any more pain. I backed away from him. Sunoo opens his eyes very slightly. He looked confused, probably wondering why he wasn't dead yet. But he didn't waste any more time. He got up and jumped me, nothing but angry controlling his movements. I knew what was about to happen. He was going to stab me. But I'm not going to stop him. He's right. I am a monster. All I did was cause pain to the one I should have loved. The one that loved me.

I deserve to die... 









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