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I curl up under my blankets, crying. I hate him. I hate when he uses me to get rid of his anger. I hate my stepmom. I hate my dad. I hate everyone here. I try to go to sleep, but it was no use. The pain in my arms, legs, and face was still stinging

"You know my boss really got on my nerves today," Howon said as slapped me on the face. "And my coworker cursed me out." He slaps me again, a bit harder. "Also, another coworker caused me to drop my lunch all over the floor." He took the belt he had in one of his hands and hit my arm with it. "P-please don't do this to me!" I cry out. He ignores me. He brings his face closer to mine. He grabs my face, harshly with his hand. He digs his nails into my skin. He rarely cuts his nails. Tears form and fall from my eyes. "Don't cry. It makes you look weak." He says and smiles. I am weak...

Next Day

I stare at myself in the mirror. I put on my fake smile, which I mastered, and went downstairs. "Good morning, everyone," I say in my best cheerful voice. I see my stepmom glare at me from the table. "Morning. Ready for breakfast?" My dad said with no expression. I nod. I see that I have to sit next to Howon and across from my stepmom. Great. I take a deep breath and sit down. Breakfast was silent as usual. It annoyed me, but I'm afraid to say anything. 

My opinions are always "unimportant" to them. So I don't say much unless I have to. "I'm going to school," I say and walk out the door. I take my phone out of my pocket and turn on some music to play through my earphones. We don't walk to school together, so I just listen to music on the way.

I walk inside and into the auditorium. We meet here every Friday for announcements or whatever. I sit down next to Sunoo and Ni-Ki. Ni-Ki was laying his head on Sunoo's shoulder. Cute. I focus my attention on the principal. "Good morning, students. Here are a few announcements..."

After the announcements, Sunoo, Ni-Ki, and I walk out and go to our class. I sit at my assigned desk next to my friend, Doyoung. "Hey, Jungwon!!" He said as I sat down. I smile at him and take out my notebook and some snacks. "Try to eat more quietly this time," I say. 

Time skip (After school)

"I'll catch up with you later Ni-Ki," Sunoo said as he walks over to me. Ni-Ki nodded and walked away. We were sitting at a table in the restaurant I work at. We aren't open yet. "Are you feeling alright?" Sunoo asked. I fiddle with my fingers and sigh. "I don't know...My dad has changed so much since my mom died. It's like he doesn't care about me. He just wants to stay with my stepmom since she's so rich and stuff. She's the devil's child. With a devil child of her own..." "So...It happened again?" I nod. "I just want someone to love me. Really love me, you know. Not just use me for whatever they need." Sunoo nodded. "I wish there was more that I could do," He said and hugged me. 

Sunoo waved goodbye and the open sign came on. I got up and went in the back to change my clothes. 15 minutes later, we had a nice number of customers. I notice two guys come in and girls were falling all over them. They walk over to a table and I walked over to serve them. When I walk over, I look at the black-haired boy as I reach the table. Okay, Woah. He is handsome AF. His jawline is so sharp, and he looks so strong. Plus, this man was dressed to impress, and he was doing a good job. 

He makes eye contact with me, with dreamy eyes and I stumble back. I clear my throat. "Whoops, sorry. M-My name is Jungwon. What can I get you guys?" The blond-hair boy orders first. As I write his order down, I feel the black-haired boy's gaze on me. "And for you, sir?" "I would just like your famous ramen dish, kitten." I feel my cheeks heat up and my heart skip a beat. "O-of course," I say and quickly go to the kitchen. I tell the cooks the order and go to the break room. 

Damn. What's happening to me? He just called me a pet name. I don't even know him. How did he make my heart flutter like that? I rub my hand through my hair. Does he like me? Why is he flirting? Should I flirt back? I don't know how to flirt. I groan as I hear the bell ring. Food's ready. I walk back out and grab their food.

"Here you go, and here you go," I say as I place their food down. "Enjoy!" I say and go to the back again. I have never seen such a good-looking human being. Ever. There's no way that he is that good-looking. How can someone be? I take out my phone and play some games. Yeah, I play games at work. So what? I'm fricking Yang Jungwon!

Time skip

I walk to the cash register after getting the money from them. I come back and hand the black-haired boy the receipt. "Thank you for coming! Hope to see you again soon!" "I hope so too," the black-haired boy said and winked at me. I nervously smile at him and head to the back to have a breakdown. Again.

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