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After a lot of struggling (mostly on my part), Jay got the choker and headband on me. "You're a piece of work, you know that?" Jay says. "I don't want this." "Too bad. You're my property now." Property? I think the f*ck not. I was about to say something when someone knocks on the door. Jay pushes me into one of the rooms, closes the door, and hurries to the door.

Jay's POV

I push Jungwon into a room as soon as I hear a knock on the door. Of course, he tries to fight back, but it doesn't work. I close the room door and hurry down to the door. I open the door slowly, but the person on the other side opens it wide. "Jay-ah! What's been going on with you? You haven't been answering my calls or text. Let me in (20 Cube)." Sunghoon said. I look behind me and sigh when I realize Jungwon stayed in the room, even though the door was unlocked, and let Sunghoon in.

"So?" "So what?" Sunghoon groaned. "What is up with you? Why haven't you been hanging out with me lately?" I shrug. "I've been busy. Nothing personal." Sunghoon looked a bit disappointed, and I felt bad. "Jay-ah. Can I come out yet?" I mentally curse at Jungwon. Can't he keep his mouth shut?  Sunghoon looks at me, surprised, confused, and with many other emotions mixed with that. "You...have the boy?" 

I scratch the back of my head. "I mean...yes?" Sunghoon jumps up from the couch, (yes, he was sitting), and walks closer to me. "Are you crazy?! Why would you bring him here? Do you not remember what happened before?" "Keep your voice down, he is in the other room. And I do, Sunghoon. I can't forget that...but I'm not going to make a mistake again." "Jay, this is serious. We can't risk other vamps' lives because you can't control your 'pet'. Not again."

I frown at him. Did he not hear me? "I said, I'm not going to make the mistake again, alright??" "Well, do you think I could..." "No!" Sunghoon sighs. I knew he was going to ask if he could taste him. "Does Heeseung know?" I shake my head, and we don't say anything. "Jay!! Can I come out?" Jungwon yells again. "You should probably go," I whisper to Sunghoon. He nods and walks to the front door, not looking back. I sigh heavily and open the door to the room I pushed Jungwon in.

He wasn't at the door like I expected him to be. I saw him sitting on the bed, which is when I realized I pushed him into my room. He was looking at a picture I had on my stand of Heeseung and me.

 He was looking at a picture I had on my stand of Heeseung and me

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"Wow, Jay. You look cute here. Much less intimidating. Who's the boy?" I storm over to him and snatch the photo from him. He looks at me surprisingly. "Get off my bed. You're dirty!" Jungwon defiantly looked offended and got off the bed. "Well, I guess I'll take a shower." He says and storms out of the room. I look at the photo as I sit down on my bed. I rub my fingers through my hair and stare at the photo. It was taken a few years ago. Though you couldn't tell. We look exactly the same as when the picture was taken. I guess I do look kind of cute here.

Jungwon's POV

I struggle as Jay pushes me into a room and quickly closes the door. Why am I always getting trapped somehow? I look around the room and wait at the door. I hear the front door close, guessing that person at the door was inside. They were talking in low voices. I decided to annoy Jay and hopefully, depending on who it is, get myself out of here. "Jay-ah. Can I come out?" I say through the door, and I know I made Jay curse. I wait to hear an answer. And I do, but not from Jay. "Are you crazy?! Why would you bring him here? Do you not remember what happened before?" I press my ear against the door. That voice sounds like someone I met before. I try to listen, but their voices get lower again. 

A few words later, "Jay!! Can I come out?" I yell once more. There was a minute of silence, and then the sound of the front door opening and closing again. But I had already moved from the door to the bed. I look at a photo on the stand next to the bed. It must be Jay's room; I think to myself. Looking around, everything was so...dark. I saw a few colors here and there, but the obvious theme was black. 

I hold the photo in my hand. The boy had his hand around Jay. I wonder who he is. Friend? Brother? Boyfriend...? Just then, Jay comes in. I look up at him. "Wow, Jay. You look cute here. Much less intimidating. Who's the boy?" Jay stomps over to me, scaring me a bit if I'm honest. He snatches the photo from my hand. Rude. "Get off my bed. You're dirty!!" He says. Like I'm supposed to be clean. "Well, I guess I'll go take a shower," I respond and storm out the room.

I open the door down the hall and it was the bathroom. I harshly take the choker off (almost choking myself), and take the fake ear things off. I turn on the shower water and turn it on hot. I stand and wait for the water. After a minute, the water was hot enough. I take my clothes off and slowly step into the shower. Even the shower was shining. The sliding door and shower head were both hurting my eyes. "What the hell. Let something be less blinding." I grab some shampoo that was sitting peacefully on the ledge thingy in the shower and pours some on my hair.

I rub the shampoo through my hair and wash it well. Then I began to wash other parts of my body. I was ready to wash my back, but I realized there wasn't a back scrubber. I roll my eyes. "Man must not wash his back." I decide to skip it when I hear the shower door open. I don't turn around since I knew who it was. I feel his warm breath on my neck. Then he whispers into my ear...

"Need some help baby boy?"

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