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It was Saturday.

Minho once again barely slept. After being finally let inside from the cold last night he couldn't even sleep from how awake he was.

It was around 9am now. He heard the chatter of Jisung and his parents.

"I have to do the shopping today, do you need anything?" Jisung's mom spoke.

"Oh, I'll come help if you want" Jisung replied. Minho clenched his fists on the bed covers. If Jisung could be anymore of a goodie two shoes he was going to strangle him.

There was laughter amongst them. Minho heard it, his thoughts suddenly stopped from the laughter. His fists loosened on the bed covers and his tensed face faded to a small frown.

He hadn't heard laughter like that in so long. Not even with his friends.

Now to think about it, he never got his phone back since yesterday morning. But somehow the chatter of the family in the kitchen didn't make him angry... Somehow he felt sad.

But that slowly turned into anger because he hated feeling sad. He knew if he did Jisung would get a kick out of it.

Getting up and putting his slippers on, he walked out of his room into the living room. He could see Jisung laughing with his dad. Minho looked down at his feet. With a sigh he continued to the kitchen.

He walked in and the whole mood shifted. Jisung's smile faded a little, his arms folded. Jisung's dad gave Minho a small smile. "Morning Minho" he greeted. Jisung's mother also said good morning but she was too busy making breakfast.

Minho mumbled a good morning and went to sit down at the table. Jisung looked at the older and went to sit down.

"Hyung, we're going out today so if you want to you can go meet up with your friends you can" Jisung spoke. Minho looked at him and nodded.

Jisung found Minho to be oddly quiet this morning. "Nothing to say?" He asked. Minho didn't respond hr only looked at the glass of orange juice with a blank expression.

Jisung sighed. "Here" he took out a phone and placed it in front of the boy. Minho looked at it. It was his phone. He then brought his gaze up to Jisung.

"Seems like its the only thing you love so" he said and walked back to his parents.

Minho glanced down at his phone and saw the hundreds of notifications from various social media apps. He sighed as he went to check them.

He had gotten texts from his friends and other people he barely knew asking to hook up and other things.

There was a bit of laughter from the Han family. Something Jisung's dad said was funny.

That's when Minho noticed he didn't get one text message from his mom.

Maybe it was the fact he was sitting in front of a family who got along that made him feel a certain way knowing he didn't get a message from his mother. He shut off his phone and slammed it on the table.

He looked over and saw the three others in the room looking at him.

"Are you okay Minho hun?" Jisung's mom asked. Minho stood up from the table. "I'm fine"

He walked off to his room once again.

+. - +. - +. - +. -

There Aas a knock on the door. Minho sighed as he couldn't not let them in.

"Yeah?" he called. The door opened, it was Jisung's mom.

She had a bowel of cereal and some toast on a tray. "I know you didn't seem to want breakfast but I can't let you not eat" she placed it down on the small desk in the room.

She then closed the door and sat down beside Minho. "Jisung was telling me you tried to sneak out last night" she spoke.

Minho sighed, of course he fucking did.

"What did that little-" He stopped himself. "Yeah..." he admitted it.

Jisung's mom placed her hand on his shoulder. "Look, I know you hate it here but  do you ever wonder why your mom sends you to these places?"

"To fucking change me that's why"

"No, Minho, she doesn't want to do that" Eunbin sighed. "She wants the best for you, but you're letting yourself go too much" she explained.

"Still doesn't give her the right to send me away! She's my mom she should do this shit"

"Have you ever given her the chance to?" She asked. Minho paused. He shook his head. "How about you go meet your mom today hm?"

Minho fiddled with his hands. "She probably won't want to see me" he let his guard down. Eunbin seemed like the person who could crack anyone in seconds. He hated it.

"I'll call her and let her know you want to see her" She smiled. "Perhaps you can even stay over in your own home tonight"

"Ha, like she'd allow that"

"I'm sure it'll be okay" Eunbin smiled.

It felt weird. Talking. Talking about his emotions with someone he barely knew. But it somehow made him feel better.

"Keep your chin up okay?" Eunbin said and got up to go call Minhos mom.

Minho sat there. He didn't know what to do. He felt unsure, he felt like his guard was breaking down. He was oddly frightened by it.

He glanced out of his door and saw Jisung standing there holding a laundry basket. He gave a small smile to him before he walked away.

Minho glanced at the bowel of cereal.

He felt sick.

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If there's any mistakes I wasn't bothered to check cuz I'm tired lmao

Anyways hope you're doing well my loveeee xx

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