Fourty Two🌻

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Jisung sighed as he waited for the bell. He finished his last exam and now he sat in the dead silence classroom.

"Sir, Can I go to the bathroom?" He asked. The teacher nodded and let Jisung leave.

He stretched a little as he made his way down the hall to the bathrooms.

He entered the bathroom and hummed a little tune to himself. It was awfully silent. Why was it so silent?

Just then, Minho walked in. "There you are" he held a playful smirk.

Jisung smiled "You missed me?" He teased which only made Minho walk over to the sinks trapping Jisung between his arms.

"I fucking did" Minho mumbled. Jisung let out a giggle. "You're new school must be so boring without me" Jisung brought his hand up to Minho's cheek.

Minho hummed lightly. "Hm, I have you right now" he leaned in and started placing soft kisses on Jisung's neck. Jisung's eyes widened a little.

"Min?" Minho pulled back and smiled. "Tell me to stop if you wanna"

He continued. His kisses getting harsher on Jisung's skin as he bit and sucked greedily at Jisung's neck.

Jisung was lifted up onto the sinks and pushed against the mirrors. Minho rubbed Jisung's thighs with his hands as Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho to pull him closer if possible.

Minho pulled back and placed his lips onto Jisung's. He tugged at Jisung's bottom lip, sucking lightly. It didn't take long for Minho's tongue to clash with Jisung's.

"Ji" Minho pulled back a bit. His forehead rested against Jisung's. "I want you Ji" he spoke.

Jisung panted heavily. "Here?" He asked.

"Ji" Minho said again. "I need you" He added. Jisung felt his surroundings go distorted.

His only focus he could keep was on Minho. "What? You need what?"

"I need you... Wake up..." Minho said. Jisung started to see Minho's face blur. "Wake up Ji"

"Babe wake up" Jisung jolted awake. Minho was sitting up beside him. "Morning" he held a grin. Jisung gulped a little. So that was a dream.

"You were moaning in your sleep" Minho said. Jisung sat up, embarrassed. "Don't tell me I'm dreaming this too..." He pouted.

Minho shook his head. "No, you're very much in reality right now" He said. Jisung sighed. "You heard nothing, that was a trick of your mind"

Minho hummed amused. "Uh-huh, because you moaning my name in your sleep is a trick of my mind"

Jisung felt even more embarrassed as Minho emphasised every word. "Shut up" he covered his face.

Minho laughed. "Kinda sad it wasn't reality, you seemed to be enjoying yourself" He shrugged. "Wanna make it real?" He asked.

Jisung threw a pillow at him. "Shut up!"

+. - +. - +. -. -

Jisung's little plan wasn't something he thought Minho would go along with. It was a bit forward, considering they weren't exactly boyfriends but weren't exactly just friends either.

But Jisung had to remind himself that it was for the sake of Minho not moving away. God knows where his mother was planning to take him.

Jisung sat with Mr. Lee. Minho opposite him at the table. He nervously bit his lip and bounced his leg.

Minho seemed to sense it as he lightly tapped his foot on Jisung's. He calmed instantly.

Mr. Lee smiled. "I suppose you heard from Lix then" the old man said. Jisung nodded. "Have you heard from him... Recently?" He asked. There was a knowing glance. Jisung sighed in relief.

Minho was confused from the interaction. "weren't you only speaking to him last night? It's not like he's dead" That was the first option that came to his head when he heard what Jisung asked.

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Even if he was I bet he'd video call me of him doing something stupid and then getting himself killed"

Minho was highly intrigued by this Felix guy.

Mr. Lee laughed. "Felix is one of a kind" He smiled. Jisung hummed. "He is, he's chill too"

"Here you are Ji" Jisung was handed a pair of keys. Minho's eyebrows furrowed. "Keys?" he asked.

Mr. Lee held back a smile. "I'm guessing he hasn't told you... I'll let you be off" He signalled them to go about their day.

"You know where to go anyway" Mr. Lee said to Jisung before smiling and closing the door.

Jisung happily hummed to himself as they walked back to the house.

"Jisung, keys? For what?" Minho wanted to know. It wasn't everyday someone just hands you keys to what looked like a house or car.

Jisung dangled them a little. "Minho" No honourifics, no playfulness. Jisung had turned the atmosphere serious now.

"Felix's parents own a small house in the next village" Jisung explained. Minho nodded. "Do you have to clean it out or?"

"We're gonna live there"

Minho Was shocked. "Live there? As in... Together?"

Jisung nodded. "Just until your mother... Um... I don't know but I told you I'm not letting her take you away"

"So your plan is to hide out in a house... By ourselves" Minho clarified. Jisung nodded. "It's the best I've got"

"Bit over the top but it's you so I'm not surprised" Minho smiled.

"You wanna do it then?" Jisung asked. Minho chuckled. "Yeah sure, sounds like actual fun"

Jisung smiled. "Great!"

"Can we throw a party?"



+. - +. -

Yuh slay

Anywhommm I'm thinking  of posting a few chapters todayyyy so yeah :)

Have a great day or night xx

Thanks for reading 💗

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