Fourty Nine🌻

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"Ugh I'd so kill for your waist"

Jisung was all done up now. The time was nearing to the party and here he stood in front of the mirror stunned at how good looking he looked.

The outfit was simple but it worked so well. He had a black button up shirt with sleeves that came to just his elbows and a pair of tight leather pants that sinched his waist perfectly.

A few necklaces, rings and platform boots made the look. But most of all, Jisung's hair was slicked back.

Felix admired his work. "Minho will want to fuck you" he smirked. Jisung gulped "N-No! He wouldn't haha... No...."

Felix hummed. "Yeah keep telling yourself that"

He was done up too. His hair was messy and he wore a shirt with a black bomber jacket over with baggy pants to match.

He giggled. "We're the two pretty best friends"

Jisung hummed. "Yeah we are" he smiled.

Felix smiled back. "You'll be okay" he reassured, feeling the need to. Jisung let out a breath he seemed to be holding.

"If anyone deserves tonight, it's you. Let yourself go! Enjoy it" Felix handed him a cup. Jisung swirled it around, it was definitely alcohol.

Jisung nodded telling himself that for once he should try to enjoy himself.

He downed the drink.

+. - +. - +. - +. -

The blaring music was oddly annoying. Minho stood outside with Chan and Changbin only Minho was more focused on someone else than the party.

"Jisung said he'd see me later but he didn't come home yet and Felix is obviously here throwing the party and-"

"Hyung chill" Changbin cut him off. "I'm sure Jisung is fine" he added. Chan nodded "Can't we just go in?" he asked.

Minho sighed and shoved his phone into his pocket. "Fine... But I'm worried-"

"Jisung is smart enough, he'll be fine~ let's get wasted!" Changbin pulled Minho into the house.

The music was loud from outside but it was a whole other level inside.

It was exactly what you'd expected. Flashing lights, people dancing, drinking, making out, playing party games. You name it, it was happening.

"Imma go get us drinks" Changbin shouted over the music. Chan and Minho nodded. "It feels good to be at a party again" Chan laughed.

Minho smiled but he still had a weird feeling in his stomach. He couldn't tell if it was bad or not.

Chan was already off dancing which left Minho to awkwardly stand there. He felt oddly out of place. Wow, he had matured.

Maybe because he thought if Jisung were here he'd enjoy it more. God he would love to dance with Jisung with no care in the world.

"Minho!" He looked to see Felix. "Wassup~~~" he was already drunk.

Minho laughed "You had a bit much" He pointed out. Felix rolled his eyes. "you sound like Jisung" He replied. Minho chuckled.

"Did Jisung go home earlier?" He asked since he was last With Felix. Felix tilted his head. "Oh Jisung? I killed him" he answered.

Minho looked at him concerned.

"What?!" obviously he didn't believe him but it was an odd answer. Felix giggled. "Jisung is gone" He smirked.

There was a loud cheer from the crowd behind them. Felix giggled and pointed over. Minho turned and his whole body froze.

There before him was Jisung at a table with a bunch of people taking shots. The feeling in his stomach surged.

"Isn't he hot?" Felix asked. He patted Minho's back before walking off to other guests.

Minho watched Jisung down a shot in one go. He watched as Jisung threw his arms into the air proud of his achievement. He saw Hyunjin and Seungmin there too.

He walked over slightly. Hyunjin tapped Jisung's shoulder and before Minho knew it they made eye contact.

Changbin had came over with a cup of obviously alcohol and let Minho take it. Minho did but his eyes never left Jisung.

He looks so good what the... Minho's brain could only focus on that one thought.

Jisung stumbled over to Minho.

"Min!!!" He exclaimed. Minho blinked a few times. God Jisung was so hot.

Minho downed the drink he had wanting to feel someway not sobar.

"What are you doing here?" He asked the tipsy boy. Jisung smirked. "I decided I'd go!" he replied.

Minho frowned. "And you didn't think to tell me?"

Jisung shrugged "I said see you later"

He did. Minho recalled the message from earlier although that could've meant anything.

Jisung threw his arms around Minho's neck. "You look hot hyung" He said breathlessly. Minho hummed falling into a trance of Jisung.

"You look fucking amazing" His hands rested on Jisung's waist. He could really feel how small it was.

Jisung giggled. "Wanna come play with us?" He asked gesturing to the table when he was last at.

Minho shook his head. Now that Jisung was here and obviously far from sobar, he had an urge to protect him. Jisung didn't like parties. He wanted to make it enjoyable for the younger At least.

"How many shots did you have?" He asked Jisung. The boy thought for a moment. "Hmm mmm..... Fifteen?" he replied.

Minho's eyes widened. "Fifteen-okay..." he smiled.

Jisung giggled. "Come on Min, I wanna dance" he pulled the elder to the dance floor.

+. - +. - +. -


You guys saying to me in the last chapter that Jisung's approach to the situation was right made me very relieved haha so thank you xx

Hope yall are having a great day or night xx🌹🌹🌹

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