Twenty Two🌻

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Minho found that he fell asleep rather quickly when he went inside after the time on the roof with Jisung.

He also never realised how he and Jisung had continuously gotten closer until they way they were last night.

Compared to Chan and Changbin, even though Minho loved having them in his life there was always some need to feel popular around them and around others.

With Jisung, he didn't feel that.

Minho really only thought about that when he woke up. There was a knock on his door as he was thinking. In walked Jisung.

"Morning hyung, breakfast is ready" Jisung smiled. Minho looked at Jisung and remembered how he viewed him last night, he thought he was sleep deprived but looking at Jisung now, he wasn't sure if he was just lying to himself.

Jisung oddly looked pretty today.

Minho followed Jisung out to the kitchen and noticed that his parents weren't to be found. "My parents are gone to my grandma" He smiled.

Minho nodded. "Did you cook?" He asked after, Jisung nodded "Yep!" He smiled and handed Minho a bowel of cereal.

Minho chuckled "Thank you"

"I know it's not like.. A meal per say but it's something!" Jisung replied. Minho hummed and sat down at the table.

Jisung sat across as usual and the pair fell into a silence yet again.

"Hyung, are you worried about later?" Jisung asked suddenly. Minho hadn't actually thought about his mom and her dinner plans for today til Jisung mentioned it. It must've been on Jisung's mind.

"I haven't really thought about it honestly" He deadpaned.

Jisung nodded. "I know this is probably being intrusive at breakfast but do you not get along with your mom?"

Minho shook his head. "No, I don't" Jisung nodded again. "I didn't see her at your dad's house so"

"They're divorced" Minho said plainly. He didn't mind Jisung being curious about him, it was cute actually but that didn't stop his appetite from turning.

He thought back to the day at the Café. The guy's messages. How could his mom even do that?

"My dad filed for a divorce when I was like 13, I was so close to him" Jisung could tell that much from how Minho's dad looked at him.

He adored his son.

"He wanted to take custody over me, he doesn't trust my mom and well that didn't work... I-" He stopped. He heaved a sigh "I don't wanna talk about after that"

Jisung leaned over and held onto Jisung's hand. "That's okay, but thanks for sharing that with me hyung"

Minho nodded and got up. "I'm gonna go chill in my room now" He told Jisung and left.

Jisung sighed a little. There was a lot to Minho that he never really thought of. Yes, they still bickered every now and again. Jisung was still unsure about the fuzzy feeling in his stomach that appeared every now and again when Minho was close to him.

They weren't close that much, they just tolerated each other really. That's what Jisung put it as, he seemed that Minho thought of them that way too.

But then his mind would drift to their kiss, well make out session. The drunken one then the sobar one. Minho had wanted both of them. Jisung didn't know why but eventually he realised that Minho probably was just wanting some action and Jisung was easy to do that to.

Jisung just tolerates Minho.

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There was a knock on Minho's door once again, a few hours later.

Jisung peeped his head in. He saw Minho was dressed for dinner with his mom and whoever he was meeting.

Jisung smiled when Minho looked up at him. "We should get going, it takes about 30 minutes"

Minho furrowed his brows "Are your parents back home?" He questioned as he hadn't exactly heard any chatter of the two adults. Jisung shook his head. "They texted me saying they were caught up with my cousins and aunt and uncle visiting my grandma"

Minho hummed "Then... How do we get to the city?" He asked. Jisung giggled "I thought we could take the bus!"

Minho hadn't been on a bus in a long time. His apartment in the city was close to all the shops he liked so there wasn't really any need. Walking was fine.

"Really?" Minho Rose a brow. Jisung grinned "Unless you wanna walk?" He told him. The elder shook his head. "Nope"

Jisung shrugged "Well, it would've done you good" Minho glared at the younger "What did you just say?"


Jisung left.

Minho sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He styled it a little, looking in the small mirror on the back of the door and threw on a pair of shoes to go with his fit. He didn't want to put too much effort into his outfit.

He wore a Button up shirt, black jeans with the shirt tucked in a little and he held his iconic leather jacket. He threw on a pair of converse too.

He nodded to himself and left the room after spraying some cologne on himself.

Jisung waited at the door.

He had to admit Minho looked really good. That fuzzy feeling appearing again. "That's what you're wearing?" Jisung asked.

Minho glared "Got a problem with it?"

Jisung shrugged "You look silly" that was a lie but he felt like bickering with the boy. Minho scoffed from behind him.

Jisung could feel a tension in Minho's room when he peeped in earlier. If nerves could fill a room, it was definitely Minho's at the time.

Jisung thought that bickering with him would make the elder feel a bit less nervous.

Jisung didn't know if it worked but Minho held a small grin on his face behind him.

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Hope yall are slaying today and being amazing x

I keep saying slay today and it's concerning tbh but anYGaYs

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