Twenty Eight🌻

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Minho and Jisung finally got up and went out to the kitchen where his parents were sitting.

They both looked over at the two as they both got bowels for cereal. Jisung handed Minho one bowel and got himself one too.

They watched closely. Jisung's mother noticed how exhausted Minho looked, hoping he didn't feel that way.

"Morning boys" She spoke. The pair nodded "Morning mom"

"Morning Eunbin" Minho added. Jisung smiled as he called his mom by her name. "What cereal do you want?" Jisung asked.

Minho hummed "Whatever you're getting"

"I'll have what your having"

"No its okay, you pick"

"No, you pick your favourite"

They bickered like a couple. Jisung's mom and dad looked at each other with small smiles. "How about the Coco pops?" She recommended "I could also whip up something if you want"

"No, it's okay mom, Minho hyung and I are gonna go to the woods then to a cafe after"

Minho smiled and nodded. Jisung's mom hummed "Alright so, be on your way!" She got up and beckoned her husband to go with her.

The pair went into the living room, she could hide her excitement. "Our boy is growing up!" She smiled. Her husband chuckled. "They seem to be fond of each other huh"

She nodded. "I found them cuddling this morning and took a photo" She took out her phone to show him. Jisung's dad smiled softly. "How sweet"

His mom nodded.

+-. +. - +. - +-.

"Don't tell me there's a hill in this place Jisung" Minho groaned as they entered the walk way into the woods. Jisung chuckled "You won't even feel it!"

"I feel a lot of things" Minho glared. Jisung snorted happy to see Minho acting like himself again.

"So do I, now come on, I swear it's pretty here"

"I don't see how a bunch of trees in one place can be pretty..."

They began there walk, the lightly stoned ground quickly turned to muck and their view was surrounded by trees.

Minho cringed "You brought me here to get my shoes dirty didn't you?" Jisung Rolled his eyes. "Shoes can be cleaned Minho, enjoy the views"

Minho scoffed but did as Jisung told him. He looked around and to his surprise it was actually quiet nice.

There was a light breeze flowing through the leaves of the trees making a whistle every now and again. The sun peeped through the trees too, making a beautiful haze further in the forest.

It was so magical.

"You seem to like it now" Jisung teased. Minho pushed him lightly. "Shut up"

"You know I'm right" He chuckled. Minho rolled his eyes. "You're so annoying"

"Likewise" Jisung smirked. Minho sent him a glare. "What? You know you're annoying too"

The pair continued their walk, Jisung was right, Minho didn't feel nor notice the massive hill they walked up.

"How the fuck-"

"I distracted you babe, didn't I?"

Minho looked at Jisung. "Yeah, you did" He replied making Jisung blush. "Oh"

Minho grinned. "What? Aren't you my supposed boyfriend now~"

Jisung scoffed. "Only your mom and dad think that"

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