Fourty Eight🌻

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It was Saturday.

Minho gave Jisung space the last two days as he felt it was needed. He felt extremely bad. He completely lost sight of where and who he was with.

Yes, he would admit that he'd still go to a party in a heartbeat and yes he'd kill to get drunk off his face to forget about the problems he had.

But that all seemed to change with Jisung. Especially since he started to catch feelings he felt the need to prove to the younger he could be better.

It was odd how he changed. He felt better in himself too but after what he did to Jisung that day... He could finally see what an asshole he used to be.

Getting angry because someone didn't want to get an outfit for a party they didn't want to go to in the first place? What was he?? Minho had these thoughts over and over.

There was a knock on his door. Jisung's mom peeped in. "Minho?" she called.

Minho looked over and gave her a small smile as to say to come in. She did that and came to sit beside the elder.

"I've noticed you and Jisung haven't been speaking"

Ah, so she's noticed.

It wasn't pretty hard to notice to be honest. The pair were always close be it being in the others room at the same time or going for a walk or watching the TV even cooking but that all stopped the past two days.

Minho nodded. "I upset him... So I wanted to give him space" He explained. Jisung's mom nodded understandingly. "What happened?"

Minho didn't want to tell her. If Jisung hadn't said anything then it wasn't his place. "Just a fight is all"

She smiled. "Your first fight as a couple" Minho became flustered. She sighed happily. "I really do like you Minho, you take care of my Jisung well" She looked at him in the eye. Oddly enough her view on him changed yet again.

Minho nodded respectfully. "Thank you... I really do try to do my best for him"

Jisung's mom smiled. "There's only so much you can do for Jisung but what matters is if you're doing all this changing for yourself" She got back up.

"Are you two heading to Felix's party tonight? I think it'd be nice for Jisung to get out of the house" She laughed a little. Minho awkwardly smiled. "I'll ask him about it.."

"Alright, oh right!" She turned back as she was about to leave. "Felix came by earlier and Brought Jisung off with him" She smiled.

"Oh" Was all Minho could respond. "I see" why did he go off with Felix on today of all days? He shoved that thought away oddly disliking it.

"Enjoy yourselves tonight anyways, Jisung's dad and I are heading out for dinner" She smiled as she left.

Minho furrowed his brows.

"What could Felix possibly want with Jisung today?"

He had a weird feeling in his stomach.

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"But Jisung~" Felix swung Jisung's arm like a child.

Jisung rolled his eyes. "I said no!"

"You're so stubborn" Felix sighed in defeat. He threw himself on the sofa in his room.

"All I want is my best friend at my party and he can't even do that"

"You know I hate parties..." Jisung pouted. Felix hummed "Yeah, why?" He asked. Jisung looked at him. "Why?" he repeated as if it was the most dumbest thing he'd ever heard.

"I don't like crowds Lix! Too many people and it's always so claustrophobic" He shuddered.

Felix hummed amused. "Yeah but them people are too busy with their own friends to blink an eye at you and probably too drunk and there's gonna be a room for you to go to if it's too crowded" He shut down everything Jisung feared most.

Jisung sat down beside Felix now. "Why do you do this?" He sighed. Felix giggled "So you'll come?"

"I don't know..."

"You don't even need to stay long! An hour max!" He held up his pinky to Jisung. Jisung looked and hesitated.

It was only one party. He could survive right? He could just spend the entire hour in an empty room.

He linked with his pinky.

"Only an hour and then I'm out" Jisung said sternly. Felix jumped for joy. "Oh my god we need to dress you up!!"

Jisung sighed. "I don't have an outfit. Minho wanted to help find me one but he doesn't know I'm actually going now" He explained. Felix didn't know about what happened at the shopping centre, Jisung kept it that way.

Felix hummed. "Luckily you have a bestie with a love for fashion and looking hot all the time" He went to his closet. "Make over time!!!"

Jisung laughed a little as Felix went rooting through the clothes he had. He felt his phone buzz a little and he looked down quickly.

His heart stopped a little. But only a little.

2 new message from Minho💕

Jisung glanced at Felix before opening it.

I know I said
I'd give you space but um

Will you be long with Felix?
Also is it okay if I go to the party?
Seen at 4:36pm

Jisung felt his heart race again. Minho had a choke hold on him and he knew it too well.

Felix was throwing clothes at him as he responded.

I think I'll be with
Lix for a bit longer

And ofc you can go
I'm not stopping you

Jisung bit his lip as he hesitated the next message, he didn't want Minho to know he would be at the party feeling rather like a hypocrite for the stuff he said two days ago to end up actually going.

I'll see you later x

Alright love x

Jisung screamed.

Felix slipped on a pair of silky trousers and hopped off the floor. "YAH!" He shouted.

Jisung looked like he was hyperventilating. "He called me love. He called me love... FELIX HE CALLED ME LOVE"

Felix got himself up. "Who the fuck called you love?"

"Minho you dumbass!" Jisung rolled his eyes as he Re-read the message over and over.

Felix snapped his fingers in front of Jisung. "Oi!" he exclaimed. Jisung looked up. "Outfits now"

Jisung sighed "But he just called me love" He pouted. Felix hummed "And later he'll be calling you fucking mega fuck machine hot guy"

Jisung didn't know to be either concerned at Felix's choice of words or flustered at the thought of Minho being stunned about whatever Felix was planning to put him in.

"Right!" Felix clapped his hands. "To the salon!"

"Aka my bathroom ha!"

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Yo I really wanna make cookie crisp cereal

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