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"Jisung you seem quiet what's up?" Hyunjin whispered to Jisung as the class started. Jisung shook his head "Oh nothing, just tired is all"

"you really gotta stop going outside at 2am Ji" Hyunjin giggled and went back to his work.

Jisung sighed. Thinking back to earlier.

"yeah and like I have to live with some fucking idiot who only cares about himself and doesn't care about my opinion!!"

Jisung slouched in his chair. Hearing Minho say that wasnt something he wanted to hear really. Sure he disliked the guy but he had feelings too stuff like that hurt and he just so happened to walk by Minho's class on the way back from the bathroom to hear him shout that.

But then again. Jisung was headstrong so it wouldn't hurt him for long.

Soon enough the end of the day arrive. And Jisung stood outside the gate waiting for Minho. He sighed as he watched nearly half the students leave. Some probably thought he was waiting there to confess or some shit. But nope, he was waiting for an idiot.

Eventually Minho arrived waving off his friends. The second he saw Jisung he smirked. Jisung rolled his eyes. "What's wrong princess" he teased. Jisung didn't respond. "hmm" Minho poked Jisung's side only to be grabbed by the wrist. Jisung began to twist Mingo's wrist the older yelped in agony.

"Yah! What the fuck you psycho!?"

"don't you dare lay a finger on me again or I will break your wrist" Jisung's eyes held a dark vibe to them. Minho could see it. It was terrifying but he wasn't gonna let Jisung have his pride. "okay sweetheart, calm down now" he said sweetly.

Jisung flung Mingo's wrist to his side causing Minho to stumble backwards a little. "Come on. Dad's waiting" Jisung mumbled walking to the car. Minho following quietly behind.

+. - +. - +. - +. - +. -

"so how was school?"

There was a dead silence in the car ride home. Jisung's dad could sense the tention from the two boys In the back seats. He didn't really want to know. But he still wanted to know.

"fine" Jisung simply said. Minho laughed "not gonna tell him about the part where you abused me?!"

"What?" Jisung's dad eyed his son in the mirror. Jisung rolled his eyes. "stop making everything about you for once. All he did was poke me and I grabbed his wrist and warned him not to touch me"

"You fucking twisted it!" Minho held up his reddened wrist. Jisung sighed looking out the window "Looks like you're wrist is more brighter than your future by how you act in school"

Jisung's dad glanced to Minho. "are you struggling in school Minho?" he asked. Minho suddenly nodded. "Yes. Very. It's like nothing ever works no matter how hard I try! And then the teachers give out to me saying that I did my homework wrong-"

"-or did it at all..." Jisung mumbled to himself as Minho continued. Jisung's dad seemed to buy Minhos lies. "Oh son I'm so sorry about that. Hey Jisung can always help you! He may be a year younger but he's a smart one"

Minho smirked and looked at Jisung. "oh I bet he is" Jisung didn't know if minho had some plan in his head to kill Jisung but whatever it was it was unsettling.

"okay kiddos were home"

Jisung never got out of a car so quickly in his life.

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