Chapter 3: A Stranger's Kiss

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****Carrie’s POV****

Okay so let me get this straight, I fell asleep wanting this complete stranger I had only known for a day to come and lie down next to me? Obviously I was drugged, right? Because I wasn’t going to fall in love with ANOTHER guy, and get my heart crushed again, right? WRONG!!!!! I was really starting to like this stranger. I don’t know, something about him looked familiar, yet I couldn’t think of what. Did he go to my school? Nope. Have I seen him before in town? Noooooo. Well what was the answer? That I was bound to figure out


I wake up to see the same old pouty face of Zayn, his hands gripped on a magazine, while the TV was turned on. He quietly bobbed his head to the music, mouthing the lyrics. Making it easy for me to tell what he was singing, Thriller, by Michael Jackson.

A smile spreads across my face, happy to see him. But before he looks at me, I wipe it away from my face. I’m not going to look like a psycho on drugs in front of him.

Zayn suddenly turns his head to me, giving me a small smile. He takes out his ear-buds, and puts away his magazine, making his way over to me.

“Hey, Love.” He tells me, sitting next to me on the small bed.

“New room?” I ask.


“Where’s my mum?”

“She had to be called out, something big I think.” He explains, his hand stroking away the hair strands away from my face.

“Well I think I can go home now.” I reply, attempting to sit up.

“Hold on Love, your mum said she was taking you in the morning, it’s only 1:30.”

I moan, the pain slightly returning. Pain is the thing I hate the most, something I never want to feel.

“Are you hurting?” He asks me.

“Not a-lot. I’m-I’m just afraid of pain.”

“Well, I won’t let anything hurt you.” He reassures me.

I allow Zayn to sit next to me, as we begin to continue to watch the small TV on the wall.

“Umm—Zayn?” I start to say.

“Yeah?” Zayn asks, looking at me with his sparkly brown eyes. Yeah I know what you’re thinking, how can deep brown eyes sparkle? Well, his just do, it’s like a miracle in his eyes.

“Can I—umm—lay on your chest?” I ask nervously, looking down at my fingers.

Zayn lets out a chuckle, “Yeah, I have no problem with that.”

I smile, allowing myself to snuggle into the warmth of his chest. My hand fisting his shirt at random times.

His hand curls pieces of my hair between his fingers, as the show, Mr. Bean, continues on. We laugh at the funny parts, but mostly we stay quiet.

****Zayn’s POV****

I stay silent as Carrie begins to examine the tattoo on my arm. The microphone is the one she seems to be really interested in.

“I like this one,” she mutters, pointing to the microphone.

A smile comes across my face, enjoying the time I’m spending with this stranger. But my smile quickly fades when I notice another bruise peeking out on her shoulder. What kind of bastard would hurt a delicate girl like Carrie?

My hand reaches out, and pulls the hospital gown down more, to reveal the purple bruise on her shoulder.

Carrie stops smiling, turning her head to face me as I examine the bruise. Who would hurt her like this?

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