Chapter 12: Zayn in Japan, Carrie with the Injuries

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****Carrie’s POV****

I dipped the nail polish brush again in the purple paint, simply applying it to my toes. The blue paint on my finger-nails was drying off when I looked over to the corner.

The guitar with the un-played strings just was laying there. I haven’t played ever since my dad left for the army; he gave me the guitar for my 15th birthday. Along with the guitar pick that was attached to the silver chain across my neck.

A sigh escaped my dry lips as my feet carried me over to the forgotten instrument. The chain was ripped off my neck, the guitar pick coming in-between my index finger and thumb.

I was seated on my rather large, purple bed, my legs crossed, still careful not to mess up the toe-nails. I shut my eyes, and strummed a single cord.

The music brought my soul back to me, it was like I was learning how to fly. The strings began dancing as I played a song.

“You are the best thing, that’s ever been mine,” I sing lightly, Zayn coming back in my mind. The way his black hair always managed to be perfect. The way his brown eyes looked at me, but mostly the way he said I love you….

****Zayn’s POV****

Niall was practicing the simple Japanese phrases. Harry was asleep; Louis was stroking a pigeon statue mumbling Kevin. Liam was listening to some songs, and I was here thinking about Carrie.

Her blue eyes that always sent electric shocks through my body, her dark curly hair, and her kisses. I wanted to say I love you one more time.


“Zayn, be careful, okay?” Carrie told me, fixing my jacket to make it straight.

“I will,” I say, Niall already boarding the private airplane.

“I’ll miss you, don’t forget me,” Carrie whispers her shoulder placed on my head as we hugged.

“I won’t,” I explain, she pulls away from our hug.

I kiss her forehead, a tear forming in her eyelid. “Don’t cry, we won’t be gone for long.”

“It’s not that I’m worried about,” Carrie says, her voice cracking.

“Then what is it?”

“You won’t be here to protect me.”

“Protect you from what?” I ask.

Her eyes show fear, but her voice is a lie, “From the reality of not having my dad.”

I hug her again, until I hear Louis screaming my name.

A quick kiss was placed on her dry lips, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Carrie replies, in almost a whisper as I leave.

I blew her a kiss, but she didn’t see as she tensed up, and left.

Protect her from what??


I couldn’t help as her words kept repeating in my head, I couldn’t protect her from what?

****Carrie’s POV****

My mum had left for work, that means I quickly locked every-door, every-window. In fear Tyler might show up.

“Why hello,” I hear his voice.

“AH!” I scream, falling back on my bum, probably bruising my tail-bone.

“Why hey there Carrie. How’s your dad? Oh wait, he’s dead.” Arms folded over his chest, an evil chuckle emitted out of his lungs, a grin forming on his lips.

“Why won’t you leave me alone?” I choke out.

Tyler smirks before crouching down in front of me, his hand tilting my chin up until I’m at eye-level with him. “Carrie, don’t cry babe. You’ll be stuck with me, forever.” A grin plastered on his face.

“What do you want to do?” I ask, pulling my knees up to my chest, my arms wrapped around my legs, my back pressed up against the wall.

“I don’t have a condom, so I won’t rape you,” Tyler chuckles.

A shiver runs through my back, “How’d you even get inside?”

“Pick-locking isn’t that hard Carrie.” Tyler picks up a magazine and begins to flip throw its pages.

I stand up and start to walk for the kitchen until I feel a grip on my wrist. “TYLER, LET GO!!” I scream, his grip becoming harder.

“Never said I wasn’t in the mood to hurt you,” he deeply says, tightening on his grip.

Tyler’s eyes suddenly became darker before he yanked my arm, thrusting me into the floor. My shoulder took most of the blow, a yelp came out of my lips.

“Maybe you should stop,” I snap. Bad move Carrie, no, no, that was a terrible move.

“What did you say?” he snaps, an angry tone.

“I meant, I didn’t-I didn’t mean it,” I stutter.

The vein in his neck stands out, nostrils flaring as his hands turn into fists. “Tyler, I’m sorry!” I screech, beginning to run away from him.

“You’re not going anywhere,” Tyler’s voice speaks, grabbing my fore-arms before throwing me into the wall.

Seconds later his fist made contact with my left eye, a black-eye probably forming in its place.

When my eyes opened, pain was scattered over my eye, my lip, my wrist, and my rib.

“Don’t ever snap at me again,” Tyler voice demands.

“Okay, I won’t, I’m sorry,” I sob.

His foot kicks my hip once more until he storms out of my house.

“Zayn,” I mumble, tears forming in my eyes.


There was a black-eye, my lip was cut and swollen, my rib probably just bruised, and my hip had a nasty bruise planted on my pale skin. Not to mention my wrist that was purple all over.

Tears dripped down my face, Zayn was going to find out. Sooner or later, he would find out this wasn’t me just being clumsy. I was being abused, and if Zayn was involved, he would be hurt too. I couldn’t let that happen to him.

“Care-Bear I’m home!!!” I hear my mum yell, a hint of joy in her voice.

She walked over to the bathroom, and saw me. Her mouth dropped open in a gasp, dropping her keys onto the floor.

“Carrie what the hell happened?” she asks me, studying my lip first.

“Well I was out in town, and some-body hurt me,” I lie.

My mum lets out a sigh, watery eyes as she began to examine all of my injuries.

“Carrie, you have to stay in the house, don’t go alone in town, okay?”


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