Chapter 13 Scars

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Sorry we havn't updated in a while we have been busy.

S: On Friday we had a swim thing.

K: AND an art club thing.

S: On Saturday I wrote the chapter thanks to makamaka9. So go thank her she's awesome. But we didn't publish because somebody didn't approve it.

K: But I had a horse show all day!

S: Excuses excuses.

*Death Stares*

Anyways we wrote a really long chapter for you guys so enjoy! We also hit 2K so YAY! Love you guys!



Adam's POV

I woke up to the pain in my side. It's not the worst pain I've ever felt though. I got up off the couch and my side felt sticky. I went to the bathroom mirror and looked at my side where tied old bandages were coated in blood. I must of been so exhausted last night I forgot to change my bandages like I was supposed to.

I heard a gasp and I saw a surprised Lilly when I turned around.

I went up to her. "I'm fine. Nothing a hot shower and a few bandages can't fix."

She nodded, "I'll get the first aid kit." Then she left.

I shut the door and got undressed and removed my bandages, throwing them in the trash. I studied my stab wound for a moment getting a flash back of last night and almost dieing and that odd voice that didn't want me to die. But then I shook it off. When I stepped in the hot shower I sighed. It stug like a bitch but I tried not to think about it to much.

Lilly wanted to be a doctor when she grew up. I don't know why, she has stitched my sorry ass up more times then I can count, I thought she has seen enough blood for her life time. But if that's what she wants to do then I will make it happen.

After my shower I wrapped a towel around me and went to my room. I saw Sawyer was still sleeping. I took a minute to stare at her sleeping face. She looked so peaceful, the usual sadness or weight she has was gone, leaving an angel. I thought about what could be her problem. She's loaded, with a snap of her fingers she could have anything, she has two parents, and she can do whatever she wants. I shook myself and made my way to my closet and pulled out a white t and blue pajama pants. I pulled on the pants but just carried the shirt not wanting to get it bloody.

I left quickly after that, not liking how my heart squeezed at the thought of anything bad happening to her.

I went to the kitchen to see Lilly standing there with everything ready.

I layed down on the couch so Lily didn't have to reach. I had scars all over my body but Brian is smart and doesn't leave any on my arms or face.

I took a deep breath as Lilly went to work. She poured vodka all over my stab wound, I gritted my teeth in pain and gripped the back of the sofa hard.

She then took a towel and patted it, drying it off.

"You're lucky you're not dead." Lilly said in a whisper.

I chuckled but it was humorless. "Yup, luckey me." I said under my breath as she started to apply bandages.

When that was done I asked, "Well, will I die doc?"

She rolled her eyes, "Of course not, you're not allowed to." She said in a duh tone.

I smiled, "Ya, ya, ya, go get dressed. But don't wake up Sawyer, Lilly. And Ill get working on your chocolate chip pancakes, sound good?"

You're My Nightmare (Under Editing)(On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz