Chapter 16 Spill The Beans...

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Sawyer's POV

I was floating. At least that's what it felt like.

"Ma'am? Are you okay? Hello?" I heard the 911 woman call to me. I realize I should have told her I was injured but there wasn't enough time I had to tell them about Lily. It was my fault she was in this mess, I should of taken better care of her.

The woman's slightly panicked voice was nothing compared to Adam's when he found me. It felt weird to not be able to move but still hear everything. But that feeling was quickly gone as I felt pain as Adam pressed my thigh to stop the bleeding, after that I really was unconscious.

I woke up to Adam pacing back and forth. He seemed less worried as much as thoughtful, as if he was trying to figure something out. I let him pace for a few more minutes before I interrupted him.

"You're creating a draft." I said making him stop dead and look at me. I expected him to be angry and he clearly was.

"You almost died." Adam spoke softly and walked towards me. This wasn't the anger I was expecting.

"It's not like it's the first time." I laughed but there was no humor to it. Adam tilted his head and creased his forehead.

"When else did you almost die?" I looked away looking for an answer for him that didn't involve the truth.

"With Cory remember?" I spoke softly and looked back at him and I could tell he was looking for more than that. I wondered if somehow he knew more but that was impossible.

"Yes I do. I thought you maybe were talking about something else." He said still looking directly at me.

"Like what?" I said uncomfortable with this situation.

"Never mind." He mumbled then clearly spoke as he walked back to the far wall. I wanted to yell out for him to stay where he was but that would cause too many questions. "Lily will be fine, thanks to you."

"That's great." I said and silence fell between us and a thousand unsaid words floated heavy in the air. "I think I should rest." I finally broke the silence, deciding space was the best option.

"Ya, of course." He mumbled and strides out of the room without another word closing the door softly leaving me alone with my swirling thoughts.

Adam's POV

I wish I knew what Sawyer was hiding. I know I have no right to ask or have anything to do with her life, but she was hurting and I can't leave her to suffer in silence.

I closed the door behind me leaving Sawyer alone. I turned bumping into Grace, carrying a teddy bear and a "Get Well Card".

"She's resting." I told her.

"Oh." Was all she said leaving us in an awkward silence.

An idea popped in my head. "Hey Grace?"

"Ya?" She said sitting down next to Sawyer's room letting her head lull against the wall and close her eyes tightly as if to make everything go away.

"About what happened to Sawyer to give her PTSD?" I said making it seem like I knew what was going on.

She opened her eyes looking at me. "She told you?" She asked skeptically.

"No. The doctor did though." I said sitting beside her.

"Damn doctor, they're worse than gossiping teenagers. So you know about Jake?" She questioned.

My mouth went dry of another guy involving Sawyer but I managed to speak, "Yup it really messed her up huh?"

"Well if somebody you loved died wouldn't you be?" Grace said tilting her head to the side and I could tell she was beginning to doubt me.

I let the silence settle between us for a moment longer before I got up, "I'm going to get god awful coffee, you want any?"

"You make it seem so appealing, but no thanks." Grace rolled her eyes and smiled before looking down at her card again.

"Okay, I'll be back." I was walking away when I heard her get up and call to me.

"Adam!" I turned around. "She's been through a lot you know?"

"I know. But so have I. That kind of makes us perfect for each other don't you think?" I told her before turning to leave and I swear Grace said something I just couldn't quite make it out.

After I got my cup of coffee I went back to Sawyer's room and Grace had left her bear and card when Sawyer must have been asleep. I shut the door a little to loudly because Sawyer's eyes fluttered open.

"Adam?" She said surprised.

All of my confusion that had built up inside me slipped out. "I know about Jake." I expected her to say something but instead she looked not at me but through me with complete and utter sorrow. Tears began to well up in her eyes. I realized I have pushed her too far with everything that has happened recently but I couldn't stop myself from asking the one question that has been at forefront of my mind. I spoke quietly as if not even I wanted to hear the answer, "Do you miss him?" I know the next words would break my already fragile heart. I know I shouldn't of asked about an ex boyfriend but how could I not?

I knew the words she would say, and she said them. "All the time."

You're My Nightmare (Under Editing)(On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz