Chapter 11 Hostpitals

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Adam's POV

I tried opening my eyes and they were met with blinding light. I kept blinking trying to get used to it as the palms of my hand were met with my eyes trying to protect them. My tongue was so dry I could barely swallow. I noticed a tugging at my wrist and I decided to brave the blinding light. I quickly realized I was in a hospital. I sighed, I hated hospitals.

I pulled the covers off me and sat up only to feel a blinding pain in my stomach. With a quick intake of breath from the pain I looked at my stomach, it was wrapped up.

The pain medication they must of put me on made my memory a little fuzzy, so I had to think back to what exactly happened. I remember going to a party and talking to Sawyer about Corey, then I got distracted by whats her face, then I looked for Sawyer...

I saw red as I suddenly remembered what happened next in this horror film, I felt the cool steel of the blade, the smug look on Corey's face, and how Sawyer got raped. It was all because I was too slow. I could of prevented it. Maybe if I would of dragged her out of there, maybe if I would of ran just a little bit faster, maybe if I wouldn't of listened to Grace. But all I can do is blame myself.

I decided to try and get up again clenching my fists and embracing the pain. I walked over to my chart, well more like hobbled over, and looked at it. It said a stab wound in my abdomen and that I nicked an artery which caused blood loss. It also said I was good to go home. I smirked as I grabbed my clothes that were in the chair next to my hospital bed.

Right as I finished getting dressed a doctor walked in, he smiled. "So you're up and Adam." He laughed at his own joke.

I just smiled, "Hey Doc, I saw in my chart I'm ready to go home."

"Yep, just need you to sign a form and don't drive home." He handed me a clipboard with a pen.

As I was signing my name I tried to ask subtly about Sawyer, "Was there a girl that came in at the same time as me?"

I handed him back the clipboard sticking the pen under the clamp of it. He smiled at me again and I could tell in his eyes that I wasn't being to subtle. "Yes, I believe her name was Sawyer. Another doctor got her as a patient, it's said she had a drug overdose had to get her stomach pumped. Poor girl stopped breathing almost." He looked at me with some sympathy.

"That's not what happened." I said.

The doctor's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Then what happened Adam?"

Deciding that Sawyer might not want to wake up to a police man asking her questions I bit my tounge, "Never mind. When can she go home?"

The doctor looked suspicious probably deciding not to ask, "Today technically but her parent won't be in for a couple weeks and she can't take herself home because somebody needs to watch her."

"I can." I volunteered.

"Are you family?" He almost asked sarcastically but in a perfessional tone so you can't completly pick it up.

"Ya I'm her cousin." I lied smoothly. I didn't want her to wake up in a hospital alone.

He raised a single eyebrow clearly not buying any of the bull shit I was saying. Yet he said, "Alright, this way, you'll need to sign her release forms and custody papers."

"Right behind you." I said as I followed him through the maze of the hospital.

When I get to her room I see her hooked up to all different machines. She was sleeping and probably on a lot of pain medication.

"I'll get a wheel chair for her while you sign the release papers." The doctor murmured as if not to wake Sawyer even though she couldn't wake up if she wanted to.

"Ok." I said as I was signing the papers.

"Oh and Adam?" The Doctor added.

"Ya?" I responded initialing my name.

"I saw on your X rays we took some concerning red flags for child abuse. Is there anything anything at all you want to tell me?" The Doctor said the sincerity in his voice ringing in my ears.

For a moment I wanted to tell him. Tell him and get me and Lily out of my father's house. But in a second my resolve was back. "No. Just a clumsy kid I guess." I smiled and the Doctor smiled sadly back at me and left to get Sawyer's papers.


I just tucked Sawyer into bed when I heard the phone ringing. I went over and picked it up it was Ms. Williams, "Hello?" I said.

"Your sister is horrible!" She shrieked.

I rolled my eyes, "What did she do?" I asked.

"What didn't she do! She clogged the bath tub and sinks so now I own an indoor swimming pool! And she shaved our dog, it's shaking in fear!" She roared over the phone.

"I'll be there in a minute." I said trying not to laugh at the woman.

With a pound clank the woman hung up.

I drove to Ms.Williams' house and waited outside for Lilly.

She came skipping up to the car and got in. I pulled away from the house afraid I might see Ms.Williams come out chasing us.

"Why." Is all I said.

"You can't make friends with everyone." She shrugged.

"You. Shaved. Their. Dog." I emphasized.

"Hey you lose some you win some." She sighed.

I rolled my eyes and just tried not to laugh.

"Look I have this girl over-" Lily cut me off.

"You have a girl over!" She said excitedly.

"Well not exactly over per say. I am just taking care of her until she gets better." I explained to her.

"Adam's got a girlfriend! Adam's got a girlfriend! Adam's got a girlfriend!" She began chanting with a ridiculous grin on her face.

"For the last time Lilly she is not my girlfriend." I said trying not to blush.

Lily just smiled and we fell into a comfortable silence.

I started to think what it would be like to have Sawyer as my girlfriend. We could go on dates, be happy, I could kiss her anytime I wanted, and make her laugh because I know she doesn't do a lot of that.

As I was thinking this a sort of day dream started to play in my head.

Sawyer and I were on a date and we were laughing, we were happy. We were on a date in the park and we were sitting on a blanket having a picnic. We were laughing at a joke I told.

"I wish we could stay here forever." I said pushing the hair out of her face.

"Me too. " She agreed.

"Why does this have to be so hard?" I asked wanting an answer.

" I don't know...."

I stared at her lips and moved in I could feel her breath and just as I was about to kiss her-


"ADAM!!" Lily screamed.

I swerved back into my lane of traffic just in time not to meet an on coming car. What was I thinking? Sawyer and I could never work. I wasn't boyfriend material I didn't do sweet or romantic. I shake myself almost as if to get the idea out of my head.

Lily looked at me strange she still wore a goofy smile even though the near death experience.

"What?" I asked a little sharply.

"You really do like her don't you." And that's all she said for the rest of the ride home.

When I got her in bed I made it clear not to disturb Sawyer and in the morning come to the kitchen and I would make her favorite, chocolate chip pancakes. I told her goodnight and layed down on the couch.

I got up every hour to check on Sawyer but everytime I fell asleep I had only dreams of Sawyer.

You're My Nightmare (Under Editing)(On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz