Chapter 15 What's Your Secret?

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Sorry it took so long with this update but like I said we started swimming. And look on the bright side some people take months to update. And some just don't finish the book.

Anyways here's the latest chapter for you guys. Thanks for waiting! Love you guys!

Please remember to vote and especially comment. We love your guys opinions!



Adam's POV

I was washing dishes when I heard a shot outside. I paused for a moment, shit that sounded close, I contemplated looking out the window when the soapy plate fell from my hand. I sighed as it flopped back in the dirty water and the shot I heard was now out of my mind.

But a few minutes later I heard through the paper thin walls the building door open aggressively and a panicked voice scream for help. My stomach sank as a feeling of panic came over, I knew it involved Sawyer and Lily. Not because I recognized her voice which I didn't because I never heard her so afraid, it was because I could feel it in the very pit in my soul. I came rushing down the steps and saw an unconscious Lily. I crouched down beside her and tried to wake her up but to no avail. I looked out the glass door and saw Sawyer fighting for life against a hooded person. I stopped breathing as I saw her crying and fighting with everything she had but the person was too strong. I felt torn to leave Lily here but I had to help Sawyer so I whispered a quick promise to Lily that I would be right back even though she couldn't hear me and got up.

As soon as I opened the door I heard how loud Sawyer was crying and screaming. How she was wrestling with the gun of her assailant on the ground, and she was losing. I heard her begging for her life as I grew closer and anger boiled in me. I picked up a stick on the side of the road and hit the hooded person in the back of the head, hard. The person stopped for a second caught off guard and I took that opportunity to give one more blow to their side. This time they snapped to their senses and picked up the gun that slid across the pavement pointed it at me then Sawyer and right when I thought he was going to shoot one of us he turned and ran away. I was about to chase him when Sawyer croaked, "Lily."

"Are you okay?"I asked as I saw her wounds but my brain was still pumping with adrenaline and anger.

"No but please go check on Lily." She said, I tossed her my phone to call 911 as a ran to Lily so worried about both of them I didn't know what to do.

Lily looked relatively unharmed except for a nice bump on her head. Never the less I was still worried. It took me a while to realize something wasn't right, it was too quiet. "Sawyer?" I called wondering why she wasn't calling the police. "Sawyer?" I called again. I didn't want to leave Lily again, but I forced myself up knowing 911 needed to be called to get help.

A little frustrated with Sawyer for not calling the police yet I walked back out to her. "Why didn't you call the-" I stopped mid sentence as I saw her laying in a pool of her own blood and my cell phone beside her. I ran up to her. "Sawyer!" I yelled hoping she would become conscious again, when she didn't I put my ear just above her face and I could hear faint weak breathes.

I picked up the bloody phone about to call 911 when I heard a voice coming from it. "Hello? Ma'am? Are you alright? Hello?"

"Hello? Hello?" I responded back urgently.

"Hello sir? What's your name?" She responded calmly.

"My name's Adam, look my girlfriend is bleeding and unconscious, I think she was shot and my sister is passed out." I said quickly letting everything spill out really fast. "You need to send help."

"Adam I already have help on the way, your girlfriend just told me to send help for an unconscious victim though, she didn't mention about being hurt. Can you apply pressure to the source of the bleeding?" She told me.

"Um yeah yeah." And for the next minute I applied pressure to Sawyer's thigh a million things racing in my mind. But soon the ambulance came and took us to the hospital. Lily and Sawyer shared rooms.

The doctor came in, "How are you related to the victims?" Was the first thing she said.

"I'm Lily's brother and Sawyer' emergency contact." I said letting the lie leave my lips.

The doctor nodded, "So Lily is fine I'm just going to hold her for observation. Sawyer however is going to be okay physically but this is not going to help her mental state. She's still in a fragile state from the incident-"

"What incident?" I asked not understanding.

"I'm sorry I was under the assumption you knew. But I can't really give you that information, you will have to ask her." The doctor told me.

"You can't tell me anything?" I asked.

"All I can tell you is that she has PTSD from it and needs to be monitored closely, as this might damage her even more." She told me.

"She isn't damaged." I grumbled and walked back inside Sawyer and Lily's room.

I looked at both of them. A lot has happened lately, and Sawyer may not want to be with me but I now had a new objective, find out Sawyer's secret.

You're My Nightmare (Under Editing)(On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz