Chapter 6 Turning Into a Girl

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Adam's POV

I've been at the football game for about an hour. This was better than at home. I am glad Lilly is spending the night at her friend's house so he couldn't get to her.

I leaned against the chain linked fence and watched the players run on the field.

A grey eyed beauty kept finding her way into my thoughts. I started to wonder what would happen if Sawyer was my girlfriend. I honestly didn't like being a player that much and I think we would be good together... and what am I thinking?! I'm turning into a girl! Next thing you know I will be painting my nails and starting my period. I shivered from the thought. She wouldn't want to be with me anyways, I'm damaged goods. Plus I've seen the car she drives, she's loaded, and I'm on the wrong side of the tracks to say the least. She probably thinks I'm scum under her shoe and in a way, I admit I kinda am.

I looked down at my watch and saw it was 9:45. The sky was pitch black. Once in a while a girl came up to me to flirt with me, but I wasn't in the mood.

My back hurt and was throbbing. I debated on getting bandages, but that required going back home and I wasn't ready to go back there yet.

It's then that I felt something fall on my nose. I rubbed it off and another fell on my face. I looked up to see it was raining. With in seconds I was soaked. I still didn't move for another minute as I watched the rain fall.

I loved the rain. I thought it was dramatic. How the rain fell to the earth only to return back to the skies cursed to repeat the same process over and over again.

I ran my hand through my dripping hair, and started to look for shelter. I walked to the bleachers and went under them to get out of the rain. I was soaked and I shook my head like a wet dog. When I finally got my hair out of my eyes I saw the weirdest thing. A girl had a stick and she was beating a trash can with it. Very aggressively I might add. The trash can looked like a crushed pop can. What the hell?

As she threw down the stick, I saw it was Sawyer. I couldn't believe it, she screamed out in frustration and turned around facing me.

Her clothes were like a second skin on her and it showed all of her curves. She had a grey shirt on, with red skinny jeans, and tan combat boots. I looked her up and down, I noticed she didn't have a jacket in this frigid weather. I was still surprised she was beating the trash can. I was confused as to why a rich girl, who has the perfect life, would want to beat up a trash can.

Her face was a kaleidoscope of emotions before her face turned into a emotionless mask.

"What do you want!" she sneered. This made me even more surprised that I took a step back. This girl was clearly different from the girls I'm used to. Whether it's good or not is still pending.

"It's raining." I scoffed and put on my signature smirk and stuffed my hands in my coat pockets. "I was looking for shelter. What about you? Wanna murder another poor defenseless trash can?" I taunted.

She looked horrified, and finally I broke through that emotionless mask. "Smart ass." she muttered back. She suddenly started to shiver and I had to resist the urge to give her my jacket and make sure she was ok. What is wrong with me? I never ever give anybody my leather jacket, especially not some girl. "Isn't this the part where you offer me your jacket?" She said her teeth chattering.

She's such a smart ass, and I admit I might find that quality slightly appealing. I put on a confused look on my face. "Why so I can feeze? I don't think so."

"Who says chivalry isn't dead?" She said sarcastically and laughed but it lacked humor. There, that was adorable sarcasm. What am I saying?! I mentally slapped myself.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged off my jacket and threw it at her maybe a little to hard.

She shrugged on my over sized jacket, and she looked so beautiful. She looked like she was very happy at the fact she was wearing my clothing. I walked towards her, I couldn't help it, it's like my body had a mind of it's own. I couldn't really explain it, it was like I was drawn to her. Well that's it, let's go buy some nail polish and tampons.

She looked up and looked surprised to see me so close, clearly lost in her thoughts. We were nose to nose. I noticed I wasn't that much taller than her.

"Arn't you going to say thank you?" I murmered. Letting my breath fan her face. I saw her grey mysterious eyes leave my gaze and stared at my lips. Immediately looked at her lips too. I found myself imagining what was like to kiss those lips.

"No." she said. I was confused for only a moment before I realized she was answering my question. Only a very small space separated us. And that voice that told me that this was a terrible idea became quieter and quieter.

"That's not very lady like." I tsked, trying to find my resolve.

"You need to learn something fast, I'm no lady." She said smirking a little.

I couldn't think of a reason not to kiss her anymore and I wanted to kiss that smirk right off that beautiful face. "Good." Is all I said before I captured her soft face in my hands and smashed my lips to hers. I forced my tonge in her mouth and played with her tonge, feeling nothing but desire. My back no longer throbed and stung. I don't give sweet, nice, tender kisses. I only give passionate, hard, demanding kisses and I could tell she loved it. She kissed me back with the same amount of enthusiasm and bit down on my lip, causing me to groan in pleasure, then she licked over it soothing the sting. Our lips slided against each other with the wetness of the rain.

I pulled away when we both couldn't breathe anymore. I looked into her hypnotic eyes and said, "What is it about you that makes me want to give a damn?" I havn't cared about anybody other than Lilly in years, yet this girl has squirmed her way into my heart.

"What?" she asked wanting to know what I said. My words clearly got swept away by the storm.

This is when I realized what I had done and knew if I truely cared about her I would keep her out of my jacked up life. I stepped away. I immediately missed her warmth. I wanted to pull her back to me and kiss her senseless, but I pushed the urge away. This was the right thing to do I convinced myself. The ache in my back coming back almost to prove this was the right decision.

Sawyer didn't deserve this life. And I most certainly wasn't going to drag her into it. I was clearly not good enough for her.

I forced myself to say the words that broke me, "I just made out with the girl who nobody's kissed at school, gotta say you weren't my worst." I chuckled but it was humorless and started to take the hardest steps of my life away from her. She was the best kiss I have ever had and I would remember it for the rest of my life.

Then I heard her voice call after me. "Gotta say you were mine."

I turned around. "What?" Confusion clear in my voice. What was she talking about?

She smirked, "You were my worst kiss, try to use less tonge next time." She said as she walked away flipping me the bird behind her.

I stood there in shock. But then as she turned the corner I realized that she still had my jacket.

I sighed and decided to go home, with no where else to go.

Brain was passed out in the chair when I walked in. I carefully dropped my keys in the bowl and made my way down the small hallway to the bathroom.

I bent down under the super small sink trying to find the first aid kit. I couldn't find it though not knowing where Lilly put it. I decided that taking a shower was my best bet and I hoped in.

After my shower I put on a pair of boxers and layed down on the small bed.

I wonder what's going to happen at school tomorrow...

And with that my dreams consisted of a blonde grey eyed girl.

You're My Nightmare (Under Editing)(On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz