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She stood on the rooftop. Staring out into the city. Ruth always found this spot so pure, so comforting. A childhood spot she would call her own. The wind flowing through chestnut brown hair and finds its way out of the brown coat. Blue eyes darting to one place to another.

"Ruth" The voice of an old friend was heard. "Come here often?" Then the click of a loaded gun being pointed at you.

"Death is tragic isn't it, Marilyn?" Ruth smiled. "It takes everything you love and turns it into misery. Then after a year or two, everyone forgets you"

The girl holding the gun in her hand fell quiet. Then she took a step, then another, then another, until she was standing on the edge of the rooftop. And one more step and you'll meet your death. Yet, Marilyn still holds the weapon to Ruth's head.

"Look at me" Marilyn demanded. When they made eye contact, Ruth can see her scar from their last fight. It was big and nasty, starting from her cheek down to her lips.

"After I pull this trigger, I'll have a clean conscience." She spoke. And pointed the gun closer. Ruth smirked, chuckled, and soon laughed loud enough for the sound to echo and mock back to Marilyn around the empty rooftop and crowded city. Then the laughter stopped, and a gunshot replaced the echo. And a womans body fell off the roof. Ruth still stands with her own gun in her hand watching Marylin's corpse fall. Then Ruth put away the gun she fired at Marylin.

"Welcome to Vegas, love"


The sweet sound of the poker chips sound as they're thrown across the table, the clicking of the machines telling you whether or not you've won money. VIP rooms for the wealthy, champagne, strip clubs, you name it. The rage and the excitement fill the large casino. And the chandeliers lighting up every corner of the place. Giving it a feel of home.

Greed fills the men and women in much-too-expensive cocktail dresses and very formal suits. The smell cheers of champagne being opened only fills the casino with more noise. Ruth runs this famous casino. But she feels like she misses something, which rarely happens. She looks around at her creation. Ruth, herself, was wealthy. Even before she made this casino, it was the only reason why she built it in the first place. Then she remembered the rooftop, and Marilyn. What a good friend she was. Until she attempted to destroy the casino, which Ruth did not know why, she was far too focused in protecting such a creation.

"Ruth?" Ivy asked. She was the one who helped Ruth out with the place. "The men in the VIP request your presence" But there was a pause, like she wanted to say something else. Ruth sighed and stood from her chair, adjusting the coat.

"Ivy, won't you come with me?" Ruth asked. The friend nodded. They walked down to the VIP room where the men stood. When we reached the bottom of the stairs, we see 4 men dressed in black suits. And a woman who seems exhausted siting on the porcelain settee lined with gold.

"Hello gentlemen" Ruth said. One of the men grabbed Ruth's collared shirt and pulled her close to him.

"Where's the alcohol" He slurred. His breath smelling of beer and other kinds of alcoholic drinks, making Ruth gag quietly.

"If you let me go, I can show you." She responded. The man let her go. Ruth went to the bar which needed a refill of alcohol. She pulled a lever and went into the storage room behind it. She took the remaining alcohol and gave it to the men. Ruth never noticed that Ivy left, until she came back whispering to Ruth.

"Well, we must greet her a warm welcome, shall we?" Ruth smiled. So did Ivy. The two women went upstairs to the lobby. And saw Marilyn's sister.


"Esmeray" Ruth crossed her arms. "Wonderful to see you, how's Marilyn?" she smirked. Esmeray pushed her blonde hair off of her shoulder and scowled.

"Why don't we come outside?" Esmeray offered. With a sigh Ruth motioned Ivy to take care of this casino while she's gone and left. They went outside. Breathing in the air of the crowded city, they went to the roof. It was reaching sunset, the trees seemed as if they wept for Ruth to leave that roof, the grass waving their green bodies to come down and leave her alone. But that would make Ruth look like a coward.

"They call you ruthless," Esmeray spoke. "Maybe it's because of your name or maybe you just are ruthless. But I'd like to think of you as weak." She smirked. The name Ruth came from that word, but that's just something everyone likes to say. Not because of her murders, or her heartless actions, but merely because of the name. But Ruth was going to escalate its meaning.

"How unfortunate it's not true, you're a coward Ruth. And you kill just to make you feel powerful" Esmeray faced Ruth. "You killed my sister, so now you're going to pay for that"

They both pulled out a gun. It faced both of their heads.

"It would be boring to die the same way your sister did Esmeray. The news said it was a suicide. And it would look the same for you" Ruth pointed the gun closer to the woman's head. But Esmeray lowered her gun. Ruth kept it up but was genuinely confused.

"You don't let your guard down, do you?"

"No. I don't"

A gunfire. And a woman lying on the rooftop, with a bullet between her brows. Esmeray's body fell to the roofs ground. With a sigh, she grabbed a cloth from her pocket and covered her scar, brought her back down and drove her to the nearest lake and threw her in.

"At least it's something different love" and left.

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