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It was a regular day at the casino. The rage of loss and the celebrations of winning. Ruth never felt happier. The day was just fine. Then a man came. Some people were around him, admiring and worshiping him. But he paid no mind to the people. Instead, he was looking right at Ruth.

And wow he was pretty.

"Hello darling, you're Ruth, aren't you?" He spoke. He took a puff of the cigarette in his hand. Staring down at the lady in front of her. This boy had beautiful black hair and dashing brown eyes. Beautiful freckles carefully placed on his nose and his cheeks. And a smile full of lust and greed. And he might have hidden some in the pockets of his leather coat. And all Ruth could do was smile and take the cigarette from his hand.

"I don't think a pretty boy like you should smoke and ruin his lungs, you seem like you have a lot to say"

The boy laughed.

"You're funny. My name is Maurin, nice to meet you" He held his hand for Ruth to shake. And she did. Looking into those silvery tricks of eyes.

"Come Maurin, let's talk" She led him into the VIP room, and to a room with long settees, a couple of coffee tables, and LED lights on purple. On the back, there's a couple bottles of champagne that Ruth put in two glasses. She gave one to Maurin and kept one for herself. And they both sat.

"You want something. What is it? Money?"

"I want to gamble with you" he spoke. "You own a casino, I'm sure you know how to gamble"

"Of course, I know how to gamble Maurin. But why with me? Haven't you seen all the people almost worshiping you outside?" She asked. Ruth was far too busy to gamble with anyone because she was working around the casino. But she'd love to gamble again.

"Because I know none of them are as good as you are" Maurin said. As he took a sip of his champagne. But Ruth set hers down.

"Alright, lets gamble" Ruth got up from the long couch and turned, ready to leave.

"But I don't want money" he said, still sitting on the settee. "I want you instead."

Ruth turned to this man.

"You're insane"

"But I'm a good insane"

Insane was barely the word to describe him. Maurin is mentally disturbed. Maurin wants Ruth? To love? Ridiculous. Ruth had loved before but gave up. They all ended up in the same place. Hell.

"So?" he pushed. "If you win, you can do whatever you want with me. Hurt me, ban me from your beloved casino, I don't care. If I win, you belong to me. And I do whatever I want to you"

Ruth couldn't help but be sort of excited. She loved adrenaline. But she also loved her casino and her life. If this man wants to kill her then she loses everything she cares about. But Ivy could take care of it. But if he doesn't want to kill her then she would probably be taken from her casino. And still be alive. Either is bad, but if she wins, she doesn't have to be taken from anything. On the contrary, Ruth could take anything from him.

"I accept" Ruth broke the silence. "Under one condition" she said. And he nodded. "Money is involved. A lot of it."

He chuckled and nodded his head again. "So, you are ruthless after all"

Ruth liked it when people called her that. Yet when Maurin said it, her heart skipped a beat. And all she did was nod.


It was the next day. Ruth and Maurin were going to gamble. And it was heard almost everywhere in the city, that Maurin wanted it to be live. They all gathered around the table. And it was the poker table of course.

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