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My sleeping meds are like tranquilizers so I cannot guarantee the quality of this chapter. Im literally seeing double as I write this.


"One of the nurses said you wanted to see me." Allison said after walking up to Derek. She only had a few minutes before she had to be in Hillary's room so she had to make this quick.

"I tried to call you earlier but you didn't answer" He pointed out.

"Yeah, I had to grab a new phone on my way to work." Allison said, purposely leaving out the reason she needed a new phone.

"Again?" He asked earning a nod. "Well I wanted to tell you that I called Amy."

"How did it go? Did you avoid lecturing like we talked about?" Allison asked excitedly.

"No lecturing, we just talked." Derek promised.

"Good," Allison said with a smile before checking her watch. "I have to get to peds, my patient fell off the roof and broke fifty bones and now I get to scrub in on the repair of a subtrochanteric fracture."

"Paediatric's? Taking after Olivia?" He asked with a warm smile.

"It's mandatory, apparently I don't spend enough time in peds. I will never understand how my sister managed to talk to little people all day." Allison complained.

"You'll survive." Derek said with a laugh before pushing the blonde away.


"A nurse just checked that." Hillary told Cristina as Allison, Cristina and Jackson prepared the teenager for her surgery.

"Yeah, a nurse checked it, I'm gonna check it, and three other people in the O.R. are gonna check it." Cristina informed her.

"We're thorough." Allison added with a smile

"Honey, please let them do their jobs." Hilary's mother said from the chair across the room.

"Uh, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd." Hunt said as he and Callie entered the room.

"We thought that you should know that Hillary's tox screens from yesterday show signs psilocybin in her bloodstream." Callie informed them. Jackson, Cristina and Allison made eye contact and tried their best not to laugh.

"What does that mean?" The patients father asked worriedly.

"Well, it means that when she fell from the roof, she was, uh," Hunt started to say but was unsure in how to phrase it.

"Shrooming." Jackson said, helping the attending find the right word.

"Magic mushrooms." Callie said, hoping to clear up any confusion.

"What?" The mother gasped.

"Hillary, mushrooms?" Her father asked clearly not impressed.

"Oh, come on. Can everybody please chill out?" The teenager asked without even batting an eye.

"What in God's name were you thinking?" Hillary's mother interrogated.

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