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"Hanako-san, Hanako-san…"

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"Hanako-san, Hanako-san…"

"Why are you summoning him again? It was a pain the first time."

"Please let me go home for the day!" Yashiro requested, but to her dismay, Hanako refused (-she also ignored you, which made you kinda sad).

You were currently standing beside the bathroom window, looking at Yashiro and Hanako-kun's interaction. The radish then turned towards you, pleading eyes and her hands were still in a begging motion.

Falling into Yashiro's pools of pleads, you offered, "I can take Nene's place for the day."

Yashiros eyes widened in excitement, "Really?! You'd do that for me??"

"Anything for you."

Yashiro blushed, have you always been this blunt?

Hanako-kun was thinking about your offer, he saw nothing against it. Having some alone time with you would certainly be interesting. He didn't really know you that well… and maybe he could make a new friend! He didn't really have any beside the mokkes' and some supernaturals, so a living friend would be nice.

Making up his mind he said, "I see no problem with it. But why do you want to leave anyways, Yashiro?" Hanako pouted.

"A boy asked me out on a date!" She gave them a peace sign, smiling at the thought of her going out with someone. Yashiros mind went directly to the date, but she also wondered… How would you be as a significant other?

Would you offer to hold the door open for her? No, you're not that prince-like. You were more like… a knight in shining armour! You have saved her some times in the past, so you would most definitely be the knight type! –Wait, what was she thinking! She likes Teru and not you! 'Get a hold of yourself, Nene!'

"A date! With whom?!"

"Fuji-kun, the hottest person –guy in class!" Yashiro quickly changed the title for him, seeing as he wasn't really the hottest person. You would most definitely take that place– 'Ah! What am I thinking?!'

"Fuji-san?" You questioned, "the lazy guy that always lets you do his work?"

"Mhm!" Yashiro hugged herself, smiling lovingly at nothing in particular.

"So, hey, what are you gonna do on this 'date'" Hanako asked, floating towards Yashiro with a broom in his hands.

You already knew the answer to that question. Fuji-san got some papers to organize for the student council. He will certainly take advantage of Yashiro and leave her when she's doing the papers. She's so naive.

After Yashiro explained everything they'll be doing on this 'date'. You let out an angry scoff, "I don't see why you have to go with him… He's just taking advantage of you!"

You walked towards Yashiro and Hanako, brushing past them, a furious aura spread across the room "I will make sure that Fuji-kun will never even think about doing that…"

"Ah! No, Y/N!" Yahiro grabbed you by your uniform sleeve, "please, don't scare him away…!"

You looked back at Yashiro, and she continued, "I don't care if he takes advantage of me! I may just be his doormat now, but this relationship will grow!"

'Nene…' you sighed, "Fine."

Hanako watched as Nene sprinted to the exit door, "Thank you so much, Y/N!" She took off her cleaning gear and gave it to you, "I'll tell you everything about it later!"

'Please don't..' you mentally sighed, watching the radish make her way out the door.

"She sure is optimistic…" Hanako said as he gave the broom to you, "you sure you know how to clean? You don't really look like the type to–"

"Of course I can clean!" You spat out furiously at him, you didn't like when people made assumptions about you. Oh, if you only knew the rumours that are going around right now…

Hanako-kun brought his hands up in defense, "Okay, okay, if you say so."

You hmphed and began cleaning. It wasn't that much that had to be cleaned, only the sinks and floor was dirty; everything else had Nene already taken care of.

20 minutes later and you were done. You made small talk with hanako-kun while cleaning, and it was really fun talking to him! He made some flirty comments here and there, which you responded with normal things, not really paying attention to the pickup lines that he said.

"Hey, L/N?"

"Just call me Y/N."

Hanako-kun's eyes widened, first name basis already?

Not hearing a response from Hanako, you added, "We are friends now, aren't we?"

Hanako looked to the side, tilting his hat so you couldn't see his bashful smile, "Yeah… I guess we are."

"Well, I'm done now!" You put the cleaning supplies and gear away, "see you tomorrow, Hanako-kun."

"Wait!" He called out to you as you were about to open the door.

You turned around and gave him a playful smirk,  "Already missing me?"

"Already missing me, Amane?"

Hanako-kun's mouth went dry, 'could it really be…'

"Have we met before?"

This chapter was a bit short, but I'm trying to post as many chapters as possible! Next chapter will come either today or tomorrow

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This chapter was a bit short, but I'm trying to post as many chapters as possible! Next chapter will come either today or tomorrow.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, my lovelies!

- Tue, 24 may, 2022.

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